ND infusion and vaporization increases contrast, dependent on insulitis and T1D. (A) Representative B-mode and subharmonic contrast images of the pancreas (green) before and 30 min. after ND infusion in 10-wk-old female NOD mice. (B) As in A, but for 10-wk-old immune-deficient female NOD;Rag1ko (Rag1ko) mice. (C) Time-course of mean contrast signal, normalized to background, in the pancreas of 10-wk-old female NOD mice versus 10-wk-old female Ragk1o mice following ND infusion and vaporization. (D) Mean contrast signal averaged between 30 and 35 min following ND infusion. Dashed lines in C represent 95% CI, and error bars in D represent SEM. Data in C and D are representative of n = 4 mice (NOD) and n = 4 mice (Rag1ko). The P value in D is 0.0083 (**P < 0.01) comparing groups indicated (unpaired Student’s t test).