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. 2021 Mar 22;3:633427. doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2021.633427

Table 1.

European MS registries [based on (1012)].

Country Name of MS registry Institution Active since Number of patients
Belgium BELTRIMS Belgian Study Group for Multiple Sclerosis 2012 1,000
Croatia AMSSC Association of Multiple Sclerosis societies of Croatia 2006 2,817
Czechia ReMuS IMPULS 2013 10,999
Denmark The Danish Multiple Sclerosis Registry The Danish Multiple Sclerosis Center, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen 1956 25,000
Finland Finnish MS Register Finnish Hospital Districts 2014 8,746
France OFSEP EDMUS Foundation, Université Claude Bernard, Hospices Civils de Lyon 1976 (2011a) 56,400
Germany MS-Register der DMSG (Bundesverband e.V.) MS Forschungs- und Projektentwicklungs-gGmbH 2001 (2014b) 48,000
Germany MSDS3D Center of Clinical Neuroscience, University Hospital Dresden 1998 >7,000
Germany Deutschsprachiges Multiple Sklerose und Kinderwunsch Register (DMSKW) Kerstin Hellwig 2006 1,500
Germany REGIMS Krankheitsbezogenes Kompetenznetz Multiple Sklerose (KKNMS) 2013 700
Germany NTD Registry database Ärztenetzwerk NeuroTransData 2008 (2012c) 25,000
Greece The Greek MS Society The Greek MS Society 2011 5,323
Italy Italian MS Register Fondazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla (FISM)/University of Bari (UNIBA) 2001 (2016d) 44,894
Italy Liguria Regional MS Registrye No information provided 2012 929
Norway Norwegian MS Registry and Biobank Haukeland University Hospital 2001 8,500
Poland Polish MS Registry (RejSM) Konskie and AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow 2011 8,845
Serbia MS Society of Serbia Clinic of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade and at the Clinical Centre of Serbia 1996 2,250
Spain Epidemcat (MS Registry of Catalonia) Department of Heath of the Government of Catalonia 2008 1,520
Sweden Swedish Neuro Registries—MS Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm 1997 18,700
Switzerland Swiss MS Cohort Studyf University Hospital of Basel 2012 1,200
Great Britain UK MS Register Swansea University 2009 16,000
Australiag MSBase MSBase Foundation Ltd. 2004 49,800

Start of the French OFSEP registry in its current form.


Start of the new web-based data collection and of a new minimal data set.


Start of web-based data collection.


Start of the Italian iMedWeb database (Italian MS registry).


Until 2017, the Liguria regional MS registry was part of the Italian MS registry.


One of the two Swiss MS databases; a cohort study with fixed follow-up intervals.


MSBase is an association of MS expert centers in 33 countries, including in Europe, with its head office in Australia.