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. 2021 Mar 22;3:633427. doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2021.633427

Table 2.

Digital support systems to support doctors in their therapy decisions (1320).

Name of the system Functionality Institution/Developer Year
OPTEM Gives objective automatized recommendations for treatment optimization in MS patients based on CMSWG criteria Canadian Multiple Sclerosis Working Group (CMSWG) 2008
EBDiMS (Evidence-Based Decision Support Tool in Multiple Sclerosis) A prognostic calculator that delivers individualized estimates of disease progression for MS patients Sylvia Lawry Centre for Multiple Sclerosis Research 2012
MS Curves An online tool for assessing MS severity using the MSBase Registry MSBase Foundation Ltd. 2012
DET (Disability Expectancy Table) Reference table of disability outcomes in MS to compare a patient's disability to others with the same disease duration North American Research Committee on Multiple Sclerosis (NARCOMS) 2013
Web-based decision support tool for prognosis simulation in multiple sclerosis A web-based decision support tool to predict both the likelihood of CIS to CDMS conversion, and the long-term prognosis of disability level and SPMS conversion, as well as assess and monitor the effects of treatment ARN—Anestesia, Reanimação e Neurologia 2014
BREMSO (Bayesian Risk Estimate for MS at Onset) A tool which can be used in the early stages of MS to predict its evolution, supporting therapeutic decisions in an observational setting MSBase Foundation Ltd. 2015
Function Watch A tool to present patients data in an easy way and comparing it with the results of a matching reference group to give immediate feedback tot he clinician, if the patient performs better or worse than an average patient Swedish Neuro Registries—MS/Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm 2015
Automatic Classification of Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Courses Fully automated tool that classifies Multiple Sclerosis patients into four clinical profiles using structural connectivity information OFSEP/EDMUS Foundation, Université Claude Bernard, Hospices Civils de Lyon 2016