Category: health beliefs [being healthy is…]
Working on health |
30 |
When one frequently performs healthy behavior such as physical activity and maintaining a healthy diet. |
“I'm eating healthy, I only drink in the weekends […] I frequently do yoga […] Yes I think that I'm being healthy” (Vo3)
Absence of complaints |
12 |
The absence of complaints, symptoms, and disease. |
“There was a time when I was heavier. I struggled with shortness of breath and cholesterol and I don't know what else.” (Vi6)
Participation |
12 |
Being able to go out and participate in society. |
“The first thing you have to do is to get up early and just go somewhere […] Otherwise you will not have active contacts with people who provide a positive influence or create chances for you” (Vi3)
Balance |
10 |
Maintaining a balance between unhealthy and healthy behavior. |
“I have other things. I don't drink for instance so that makes up for it quite a lot.” (Vo5)
Life under control |
10 |
When you have a roof above your head and no major financial or social struggles. |
“Unhealthy is when you don't have a roof above your head and you have to roam the streets.” (Vi5)
Category: consciousness [about health is impacted by…]
Complaints |
19 |
The experience of health-related symptoms and complaints. |
“I haven't visited the doctor in 30 years. My last painkiller I used when I was at high school” (Vo5)
Incident |
13 |
The consideration of a health-related incident in the past. |
“Yes, a significant impression. Before that [the incident] I was just flying blind.” (Vo3)
Concern |
11 |
The extent to which one is concerned about their health. |
“You can come up with all sorts of graphs, but I don't, I just don't want to worry about it. Maybe it is just very easy the way I live.” (Vi5)
Interest |
3 |
The level of interest one has in their health. |
“It doesn't interest me […]. I just eat whatever I like” (Vi3) |
Category: motivation [to perform healthy behavior is impacted by…]
Future perspective |
22 |
The consideration of its value toward future health. |
“How important is the future for you?” “Well, I just hope to continue like this.” (Vo3)
Perceived barriers |
20 |
The amount of financial, social, and environmental barriers one perceives. |
“I have always had a one-sided diet. A lot of cheese for example. We didn't have a fridge at work.” (Vi1)
Feeling |
6 |
The extent to it contributes to the subjective emotional state one experiences. |
“Do you think it's important to do it [performing healthy behavior]?” “Yes, it makes you feel better.” (Vo2)
Enjoyment |
5 |
The extent to which it impacts the level of joy in one's life. |
“No, I don't really consider it [being healthy] that much. You also would want to enjoy life” (Vo4)
Category: control [one perceives to have over health is impacted by…]
Support |
24 |
The amount of support one receives on managing their health. |
“What facilitates you in doing it [healthy behavior]?” “To be honest, my friend. […] She supports me and shows me the ropes.” (Vo2) |
Self-efficacy |
14 |
The level of capabilities one perceives to have to change health-related behavior |
“But you are not eager to quit, are you?” “I am my boy, however, I'm not able to. If you have a pill for me that I take and it makes me quit…” (Vi5)
Chance |
13 |
The belief that what happens regarding health is all based on chance and coincidence. |
“I'll not reach the age of 110, I'm not that healthy. Although, it doesn't say much actually because there are people who are 100 years old and they still smoke.” (Vi5)
Fatalism |
5 |
The belief that what happens regarding one's health is subjugated to fate or destiny. |
“You can't really do something about it [getting sick]. The only thing you can do is watch out [for accidents], that is the only thing.” (Vi3)
Category: healthcare experience [is impacted by…]
Communication |
13 |
The quality of communication with the healthcare provider. |
“I would like them to take more time for people like me, who do not fully understand it. Sometimes I really feel like a foreigner.” (Vo2)
Autonomy |
11 |
The need one has to deserve autonomy within the healthcare process. |
“I proposed it [not eating meat] once, however, my general practitioner told me not to do it. […] He didn't go into depth or asked me why I wanted that. He just advised me to keep eating meat” (Vo4)
Authority |
10 |
The amount of authority one perceives their healthcare provider to have. |
“It is not possible to change something about it yourself. If they say there is no solution then it has to be that way […] yes you know, they are the doctor.” (Vo1)
Personal |
4 |
The need one has to be treated on a personal and humane level. |
It was a nice guy, a physiotherapist. He always brought a ball of Feyenoord (football club in the Netherlands). […] Yes, the soccer I liked. However, all the other stuff, walking around, walking with a sack, and all of that. At a certain moment, I thought like. man. (Vi5)
Category: messages [reception is impacted by…]
Source Interpretation |
4 |
The extent to which one perceives a conflict between different sources (e.g., healthcare, media, social environment) of health messages. |
“The website that you visit… It can be that someone wrote it at home and it is not true. However, it can also be a doctor who wrote it, in that case, it is true.” (Vo1)
Nuances |
2 |
The extent to which one can understand and apply nuances within health messages. |
Yes, sugar, I have to minimize. […] Everything I have to minimize. Also, Carbohydrates. (Vi1)
Rules |
2 |
The extent to which one interprets health messages as rules. |
“Recently we have had this [healthy-lunch café] […] Everything must be healthy, and you are not allowed to eat meat. Well, I really like my piece of meat […]. In that case, just let me be unhealthy. I don't care; I just really like it.” (Vi5)
Doctor as information source |
2 |
The fact that the health-related information came from a healthcare professional or not. |
“I won't go and try out stuff from the internet and stuff. It has to come from the doctor.” (Vo1) |
Category: eHealth [intention to use is impacted by…]
Enthusiasm |
7 |
The belief in the positive aspects and potential of eHealth |
“Yes, I find that really interesting. […] You just have to ask google what you have to do. For example, I bumped my toe a few times, and then you get an answer.” (Vi5)
Anxiety |
7 |
The level of anxiety one experiences toward (prospective) usage of eHealth. |
“It is too complicated. […] They told me I had to download something. Well, they did it for me. I don't know how it works.” (Vo2)
Exposure |
5 |
The extent to which a person is exposed toward eHealth. |
“I'm not entirely up to date what it can mean to me. Maybe I'm still thinking in the old way. I don't know what I'm missing.” (Vi3)
Trust |
1 |
The level of trust in technology and its related privacy and safety risks. |
“I always try to protect myself with anti-virus software […] If you have your gates open, you will collect all kinds of unwanted rubbish” (Vi2)