Fig. 4.
Establishment of weighted co‑expression network and analysis of hub modules in neonate group. A Dendrogram displaying each DEG clustered in accordance with the dissimilarity measure (1-TOM). As a result, 15 co-expression modules were constructed and were shown in distinctive color. B Heatmap of the relationships of module with the disease traits. In the module, the greater mean gene relevance stands for the greater relationship of this module with the traits of interest. The horizontal and vertical axes stand for clinical factors and modules, respectively. The color gradient from red to green represents the shift from positive to negative correlation. The numbers in grids represent correlation coefficients. Values in parenthesis are the P values for the association test. C System clustering tree for the modules. Dendrogram showing the eigengenes in the consensus module acquired based on WGCNA regarding consensus correlations. D Scatter plot presenting module eigengenes within lightcyan module