Fig. 3.
ER targeting and ABCE1 deficiency contribute to stalled translation of APP.C99. a Immunoblots showing altered levels of ABCE1 and eRF1/3 in APP.C99 transfected HeLa cells. b, c Immunoblots showing effect of ABCE1 OE (b) or RNAi (c) on the level of stalled APP.C99. d Immunoblots showing ABCE1 level in muscle tissue of young and old Mhc > APP.C99 flies. e Effect of ABCE1 OE on the level of stalled APP.C99 in fly muscle. f Immunostaining and data quantification showing effects of ABCE1 OE on the level of P62-positive protein aggregates in Mhc > APP.C99 fly muscle (n = 10). Scale bar, 10 µm. g, h Effect of ABCE1 OE on wing posture defect (g) and aversive taste memory (h) of elav > APP.C99 flies (n = 80–100). i Immunoblots showing the effect of removing signal sequence on the translational stalling of APP.C99. j Immunoblots showing the effect of alternative signal sequence on the translational stalling of APP.C99. k MTT cell viability assay of HeLa cells transfected with the indicated plasmids. l Immunoblots showing the effect of replacing APP signal sequence with that of Lcp2 on the translational stalling of APP.C99 in fly muscle. Error bars, ± SEM; ∗P < 0.05, **P < 0.01. Immunoblots represent at least 3 independent repeats