FIG. 8.
Distribution of Ttk69 and dSmt3 on polytene chromosomes. Salivary gland polytene chromosomes from wild-type third-instar larvae were simultaneously stained with antibodies against Ttk69 visualized with cyanin (A) and dSmt3 visualized with fluorescein (C). Both antibodies reacted against a large number of euchromatic sites on polytene chromosomes. (B) The merged image reveals that while most sites of Ttk69 accumulation (red staining) also were stained with the dSmt3 antibodies (green staining) (arrows), a number of Ttk69 sites did not show appreciable accumulation of dSmt3 (white arrowheads), and a number of dSmt3 sites (including the chromocenter [Ch]) were not stained with the Ttk69 antibodies (black arrowheads).