FIG 5.
PK/PD model to establish the relationship between exposure and response. Abbreviations: Ka, absorption rate constant; Vc/F, volume of central compartment corrected for bioavailability; Vp/F, volume of peripheral compartment corrected for bioavailability; CL/F, clearance corrected for bioavailability; Q/F, intercompartmental clearance corrected for bioavailability. C, CP, and CPAE represent spectinamide 1810 concentration in central, peripheral, and hypothetical PAE compartments, respectively; TAD, time after dose; Tmax, time corresponding to maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) of spectinamide 1810; Kkillmax, maximum kill rate induced by spectinamide 1810; EC50, concentration of spectinamide 1810 at half of Kkillmax; γ, Hill function; KPAE, first-order rate constant for dissipation of post antibiotic effect; Kgs, first-order net growth rate constant; N, number of bacteria at any given time which eventually approaches a maximum (Nmax); n, nth dosing interval; n − 1, dosing interval preceding the nth dosing interval.