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. 2021 Oct 18;65(11):e01093-21. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01093-21


Pooled MIC distributions of caspofungin for four species of Aspergillus determined by the commercial Etest method

Speciesa No. of labs No. of isolates No. of isolates with MIC (μg/ml) ofb
≤0.008 0.016 0.03 0.06 0.125 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 >8
A. fumigatus 14 3,212 93 333 905 1,040 598 208 18 4 1 12
A. flavus 6 232 5 20 42 70 70 18 4 2 1
A. niger 4 181 8 15 72 72 13 1
A. terreus 6 267 2 3 9 20 28 53 114 31 3 4

Including the complexes of the four species of Aspergillus tested.


The largest number in each row (showing the most frequently obtained MIC or the mode) is in boldface. MICs were obtained by the commercial bioMérieux Etest method (13).