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. 2021 Feb 3;30(159):200317. doi: 10.1183/16000617.0317-2020


Potential treatable traits in ARDS across aetiology, physiology and morphology, and biology

Domain Subdomain Trait Test Evidence Interventions to be tested Challenges
Aetiology Causal pathogen COVID-19 PCR for virus [16] Dexamethasone
ARDS-mimic Diffuse acute interstitial lung diseases History
Immunological analysis
[75–77] Immunosuppression Relatively rare and requires systematic investigation to identify
Diffuse pulmonary infections History
Metabolic products
[78] Antimicrobials
Drug-induced diffuse lung disease History Withhold drug
Amplifiers of lung injury Fluid overload History
Clinical examination
Extravascular lung water
[79] Diuretics
Diagnosis of fluid overload can be challenging
Ventilator-induced lung injury Tidal volume
Driving pressure
Mechanical power
[80] Lower tidal volumes No direct test for the actual development of VILI
Nonresolving lung injury Fibroproliferation Markers of fibroproliferation in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid [27] Corticosteroids
Biomarker test not routinely available
Secondary infection Imaging
[81] Antimicrobials Identify ventilator-associated pneumonia in patient with ARDS
Physiology Shunt PaO2/FIO2 Blood gas [43, 44] Prone positioning
Adjust PEEP
Lung recruitment
Various thresholds proposed in different studies
Influence of PEEP on PaO2/FIO2
Ventilation Dead space ventilation Dead space calculation
Ventilatory ratio
[82] Adjust PEEP Volumetric capnography not widely available
Drive High respiratory drive on NIV Oesophageal pressure [34] Analgesia and sedation Balance between high drive and too low drive
Mechanics High mechanical power Formula based [49] Adjust PEEP, tidal volume and/or respiratory rate Various thresholds proposed and unclear how to adjust settings based on value
Driving pressure Ventilator settings
Oesophageal pressure
[83] Adjust PEEP Various thresholds proposed in different studies
Morphology Imaging Focal Imaging [53, 84, 85 ] Prone positioning
Misclassification of morphology common and associated with worse outcome
Nonfocal Imaging [53, 84, 85] Lung recruitment
Biology Systemic host response Hyperinflammatory (or Reactive) IL-8, bicarbonate and protein C
IL-6, bicarbonate and TNFRI
[31, 60, 62, 63, 86] High PEEP
Restrictive fluid
No routine test available
Frequently unknown if cause or effect of lung injury
Epithelial injury Damaged epithelium Biomarkers e.g. sRAGE [87] Epithelial protection
Endothelial injury Vascular permeability and endothelial injury Biomarkers e.g. angiopoietin 1 and 2 [88] Endothelial protection
Angiopathy Microthrombosis Biomarkers e.g. D-dimers, PAI-1
Perfusion imaging
[89, 90] Anticoagulation
Local host response Pulmonary hyper-inflammation Biomarkers in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid [91] Immunomodulation

There are a wide range of clinical conditions, ARDS severities and mediators in lung injury pathogenesis that may be targetable for treatment. Most interventions listed are speculative and should not yet be applied. The list is also not exhaustive. For all these interventions, we emphasise the need for phenotype-aware randomised controlled trials. COVID-19: coronavirus disease 2019; ARDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome; VILI: ventilator-induced lung injury; PaO2: arterial oxygen tension; FIO2: inspiratory oxygen fraction; PEEP: positive end-expiratory pressure; NIV: noninvasive mechanical ventilation; IL: interleukin; TNFRI: tumour necrosis factor receptor 1; sRAGE: soluble receptor for advanced glycation endproducts; PAI-1: plasminogen activator inhibitor-1.