Oxidized menaquinone (A), menadione (2-methyl-[1,4]naphthoquinone) (B), and DMW (2,3-dimethyl-[1,4]naphthoquinone) (C) are shown. (D) An overlay of oxygen reduction assays shows that the rate of autoxidation for menadiol (2-dimethyl-[1,4]naphthohydroquinone) blue curve, is larger than for DMWH2 (2,3-dimethyl-[1,4]naphthohydroquinone) red curve, and both autoxidation rates decrease in the presence of 500 nM bovine superoxide dismutase (SOD) orange and purple curves. Measurement of oxygen reduction by CIII2CIV2 in the presence of bovine SOD shows that CIII2CIV2 activity is greater with DMWH2
green curve, than with menadiol brown curve.