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. 2021 Oct 18;78(12):1–10. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2021.3723

Table 1. Characteristics of the Systematic Monitoring of EEG in Asphyxiated Newborns During Rewarming After Hypothermia Therapy (SMART) Cohort.

Characteristic No. (%) P valuea
Group A: 72 h of hypothermia (n = 66) Group B: 120 h of hypothermia (n = 54) Total (N = 120)
Raceb .39
Black 15 (23) 12 (23) 27 (23)
White 47 (72) 34 (65) 81 (69)
Otherc 3 (5) 6 (12) 9 (7)
Age, mean (SD), y 28.6 (6.31) 28.2 (7.43) 28.4 (6.81) .58
Pregnancy complications
Chronic hypertension 13 (20) 12 (23) 25 (21) .70
Antepartum hemorrhage 9 (14) 4 (8) 13 (11) .38
Intrapartum complications
Fetal decelerations 52 (79) 43 (83) 95 (81) .60
Cord problem 11 (17) 14 (26) 25 (21) .21
Uterine rupture 4 (6) 2 (4) 6 (5) .69
Maternal pyrexia (≥37.6 °C) 5 (8) 8 (15) 13 (11) .20
Shoulder dystocia 5 (8) 6 (11) 11 (9) .54
Maternal hemorrhage 11 (17) 6 (11) 17 (14) .39
Emergency cesarean 45 (68) 30 (56) 75 (63) .15
Gestational age, mean (SD), wk 38.5 (1.51) 38.9 (1.22) 38.7 (1.39) .23
Outborn 44 (67) 34 (63) 78 (65) .67
Female 30 (45) 20 (37) 50 (42) .35
Male 36 (55) 34 (63) 70 (58) .35
Apgar score ≤5
5 min 58 (89) 43 (81) 101 (86) .22
10 min 38 (67) 33 (70) 71 (68) .70
Intubation in delivery room 49 (74) 39 (74) 88 (74) .94
Resuscitation >10 min 54 (82) 47 (89) 101 (85) .30
Time to respirations >10 min 24 (39) 19 (38) 43 (39) .89
Cord blood, mean (SD)
pH 6.92 (0.21) 6.97 (0.17) 6.95 (0.20) .26
Base deficit 17.9 (8.2) 15.1 (5.6) 16.4 (7.1) .23
Anticonvulsant 34 (55) 24 (46) 58 (51) .36
Hypothermia (33.5 vs 32.0 °C) 39 (59) 28 (52) 67 (56) .46
Encephalopathy .62
Moderate 54 (82) 46 (85) 100 (83)
Severe 12 (18) 8 (15) 20 (17)

P values are from χ2 test or Kruskal-Wallis test. Fisher exact test was used when data were sparse.


Data on race were retrieved from the parent study to control for any differences.


Other included individuals reporting as follows: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, and multiple race. These were consolidated to deidentify data due to small numbers.