foxj1a and foxj1b play diverse roles in the formation of motile ciliated cells
(A) Lack of cilia in the dorsal telencephalon in foxj1b mutant (middle; n = 9) and throughout the larval ventricular system in double foxj1a/b mutant (n = 6) at 4 dpf. Maximum projection at two different depths is shown.
(B1 and B2) MCCs (arrowhead) are not affected in the foxj1b mutant on the 1-month dorsal telencephalon (B1; n = 6) and ChP (B2; n = 6). Cilia remain absent in the monociliated cells (arrow) located laterally to the MCCs as shown in the magnified inset.
(C1–C3) MCCs are not affected in the adult medial TC (C1; n = 3), ChP (C2; n = 4), and midline of the telencephalon/diencephalon (C3; n = 3). (C2) Monociliated cells are particularly affected in the ChP.
(D1–D3) Loss of cilia in the medial TC (D1) and ChP (D2) of adult gmnc;foxj1b double mutants (n = 4). (D3) Single cilia remained in the telencephalic midline of double mutants (arrow) (n = 4).
(E) Diverse genetic programs instruct the formation of ciliated cells in the TC/ChP and in the telencephalon midline.
TeO, optic tectum; sco, sub-commissural organ. Arrows indicate monociliated cells, arrowheads indicate MCCs, and asterisks indicate axon tracts. Cilia loss is indicated by hashtag symbols.
See also Figures S4 and S5.