Figure 7. Plasma levels of immune mediators that were significantly different between sex- and strain matched sham and BLG-sensitized mice.
Levels of the 40 immune mediators included in the Quantibody Mouse Cytokine Array 5 (QAM-CYT-5) were quantified from plasma samples. Only the analytes that showed significant differences between sex- and strain-matched sham and BLG groups are shown for C57BL/6J male mice (A), BALB/cJ male mice (B), and BALB/cJ female mice (C). No significant differences in any of the detected analytes were observed in female C57BL/6J mice (not shown). The quantification of all analytes for all mouse groups are presented as Supplementary Material 4. Sham mice (open bars with open triangles); BLG mice (striped bars with filled diamonds); male C57BL/6J (A); male BALB/cJ (B); female BALB/cJ (C). Bars indicate group average values ± SEM (n = 10 per group), Mann-Whitney U test.