Figure 4. Group discrimination by retinal lipids in a postmortem cohort.
(A and B) Top differentially regulated lipids, triglycerides, phosphatidylcholine, and ACs in central retinal (A), and triglycerides and phosphatidylcholines in peripheral retina (B) discriminated 3 study groups. Analyses are based on canonical discriminant analysis with 100% accurate discrimination in central retina, and 98.3% in peripheral retina. (C and D) Statistically significant correlates of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in the central and peripheral retina of postmortem cohort. Lipids in red indicate elevated levels; lipids in blue indicate suppressed levels; arrows in red indicate statistically significant direct correlation; arrows in blue indicate statistically significant inverse correlation. Overall saturated FFAs are inversely correlated with unsaturated FFAs. A higher abundance of unsaturated FFAs suggest shift of sFFAs toward uFFAs via action of desaturases. Direct correlation of uFFAs with complex glycerolipids suggests their higher incorporation in the construct of glycerolipids, while inverse correlation of sFFAs with complex lipids suggest their relatively lower incorporation in the construct of complex lipids. The net effect would be a relatively higher abundance of complex lipids in association with a higher abundance of uFFAs under normal physiological conditions. With progression toward diabetic retinopathy, diminished levels of uFFAs leads to diminished tissue levels of glycerophospholipids. n for all panels is 19, 20, and 20 for participants without diabetes, diabetes with no DR, and diabetes with DR, respectively. AC, acylcarnitine; sFFA, saturated free fatty acids; uFFA, unsaturated free fatty acids; DAG, diacylglycerols; PC, phosphatidylcholines; TAG, triacylglycerols.