A) A Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) representation of murine bone and bone marrow (
Baryawno et al., 2019,
GSE128423), after unsupervised clustering using the Seurat package (
Butler et al., 2018). Distinct cellular populations were clustered based on their expression patterns. (
B) Applying the expression pattern of the experimentally verified central senescence-associated and SASP genes, the highest overlap was found within the MSC cluster, specifically in the MSC two cluster (
C), which was used for the subsequent pseudotime analysis. The density of each population’s expression is estimated using Kernel Gene-Weighted Density with Nebulosa (
Alquicira-Hernandez and Powell, 2021) (
D) Pseudotime of MSCs showed divergent cell fates (branch point 2), out of which (
E) oone fate is characterized by increased
Tgfbr1, and
Cdkn1aCip1 and reduction of
Mki67, pointing at a senescent state. (
F) The longitudinal pseudotime expression pattern depicts a marked increase of
Cdkn1aCip1 in the late cellular fate along with certain SASP markers like
Pdgfa and
Tgfbr1. A-E: n = 8, all male.