Severe COVID-19 patients had both cytokine inflammation and monocyte dysregulation. (a) Spearman correlation of HLA-DR expression on monocytes and plasma IL-6 levels (D0-3, D7-10 and Endpoint) in Wave 2 ICU COVID-19 individuals. The full line represents the best fit linear relationship of data. (b) Evolution of IL-6/mHLA-DR ratio over time during ICU hospitalization measured at baseline (D0-3), at D7-10 and until discharge of the patient for recovery (Endpoint) in alive (blue diamond) and deceased patients (red diamond). Grey diamonds represent patients deceased before D7 (n = 4). Grey dotted lines represent the mean of IL-6/mHLA-DR ratio in IDU patients at baseline. Each value represents the mean ± SD. Only statistically significant results were indicated (¤¤p < 0.01 versus baseline, Wilcoxon matched pairs test, ***p < 0.001, alive patients vs deceased patients, Mann–Whitney U test). Number of cases for each time point, S: Survivors, NS: non survivors. Time D0-3 70(S), 20(NS); D7-10 23(S), 16(NS); Endpoint 18(S).