Table 4.
Up-regulated GO biological processes in Scz organoids (p < 0.05).
Biological process | GO:BP Term_ID | Adjusted p value | Neg Log10 adjusted p |
Chylomicron Remodeling | GO:0034371 | 1.03E−08 | 7.988 |
Chylomicron Assembly | GO:0034378 | 3.76E−08 | 7.425 |
Plasma Lipoprotein Particle Assembly | GO:0034377 | 1.15E−07 | 6.938 |
Triglyceride-Rich Lipoprotein Particle Remodeling | GO:0034370 | 1.62E−07 | 6.790 |
Plasma Lipoprotein Particle Remodeling | GO:0034369 | 1.73E−07 | 6.762 |
Protein-Lipid Complex Remodeling | GO:0034368 | 1.73E−07 | 6.762 |
Protein-Containing Complex Remodeling | GO:0034367 | 2.53E−07 | 6.598 |
Protein-Lipid Complex Assembly | GO:0065005 | 2.53E−07 | 6.598 |
High-Density Lipoprotein Particle Remodeling | GO:0034375 | 6.89E−07 | 6.162 |
Reverse Cholesterol Transport | GO:0043691 | 2.10E−06 | 5.677 |
Plasma Lipoprotein Particle Organization | GO:0071827 | 3.08E−06 | 5.511 |
Protein-Lipid Complex Subunit Organization | GO:0071825 | 4.88E−06 | 5.312 |
Cholesterol Efflux | GO:0033344 | 1.47E−05 | 4.832 |
Terpenoid Metabolic Process | GO:0006721 | 1.85E−05 | 4.733 |
Very-Low-Density Lipoprotein Particle Remodeling | GO:0034372 | 1.97E−05 | 4.706 |
Platelet Degranulation | GO:0002576 | 2.31E−05 | 4.636 |
Sterol Transport | GO:0015918 | 2.44E−05 | 4.612 |
Phospholipid Efflux | GO:0033700 | 2.84E−05 | 4.547 |
Isoprenoid Metabolic Process | GO:0006720 | 5.53E−05 | 4.257 |
Positive Regulation of Substrate Adhesion-Dependent Cell Spreading | GO:1900026 | 6.58E−05 | 4.182 |
High-Density Lipoprotein Particle Assembly | GO:0034380 | 7.18E−05 | 4.144 |
Cell-Cell Adhesion | GO:0098609 | 8.60E−05 | 4.066 |
High-Density Lipoprotein Particle Clearance | GO:0034384 | 0.000120368 | 3.919 |
Cholesterol Homeostasis | GO:0042632 | 0.000156831 | 3.805 |
Post-Translational Protein Modification | GO:0043687 | 0.000163138 | 3.787 |
Sterol Homeostasis | GO:0055092 | 0.000166565 | 3.778 |
Retinoid Metabolic Process | GO:0001523 | 0.00024961 | 3.603 |
Regulation of Plasma Lipoprotein Particle Levels | GO:0097006 | 0.000263855 | 3.579 |
Regulation of Substrate Adhesion-Dependent Cell Spreading | GO:1900024 | 0.000344919 | 3.462 |
Diterpenoid Metabolic Process | GO:0016101 | 0.000345502 | 3.462 |
Cholesterol Transport | GO:0030301 | 0.000383496 | 3.416 |
Heterotypic Cell-Cell Adhesion | GO:0034113 | 0.000409755 | 3.387 |
Cholesterol Biosynthetic Process | GO:0006695 | 0.000568257 | 3.245 |
Secondary Alcohol Biosynthetic Process | GO:1902653 | 0.000568257 | 3.245 |
Regulation of Heterotypic Cell-Cell Adhesion | GO:0034114 | 0.000580431 | 3.236 |
Regulation of Cdc42 Protein Signal Transduction | GO:0032489 | 0.000667476 | 3.176 |
Sterol Biosynthetic Process | GO:0016126 | 0.000893117 | 3.049 |
Plasma Lipoprotein Particle Clearance | GO:0034381 | 0.000959187 | 3.018 |
Lipoprotein Metabolic Process | GO:0042157 | 0.001034387 | 2.985 |
Chylomicron Remnant Clearance | GO:0034382 | 0.001066283 | 2.972 |
Triglyceride-Rich Lipoprotein Particle Clearance | GO:0071830 | 0.001066283 | 2.972 |
Steroid Metabolic Process | GO:0008202 | 0.00122924 | 2.910 |
Cholesterol Metabolic Process | GO:0008203 | 0.001569372 | 2.804 |
Positive Regulation of Cholesterol Esterification | GO:0010873 | 0.001596909 | 2.797 |
Regulated Exocytosis | GO:0045055 | 0.00171245 | 2.766 |
Positive Regulation of Cell Morphogenesis Involved in Differentiation | GO:0010770 | 0.00174483 | 2.758 |
Very-Low-Density Lipoprotein Particle Clearance | GO:0034447 | 0.002277712 | 2.643 |
Secondary Alcohol Metabolic Process | GO:1902652 | 0.002312476 | 2.636 |
Homotypic Cell-Cell Adhesion | GO:0034109 | 0.002650901 | 2.577 |
Triglyceride Catabolic Process | GO:0019433 | 0.002810211 | 2.551 |
Sterol Metabolic Process | GO:0016125 | 0.002987054 | 2.525 |
Acylglycerol Homeostasis | GO:0055090 | 0.003467959 | 2.460 |
Triglyceride Homeostasis | GO:0070328 | 0.003467959 | 2.460 |
Lipid Homeostasis | GO:0055088 | 0.003686054 | 2.433 |
Vesicle-Mediated Transport | GO:0016192 | 0.003686287 | 2.433 |
Regulation of Triglyceride Metabolic Process | GO:0090207 | 0.004233532 | 2.373 |
Regulation of Cell Morphogenesis Involved in Differentiation | GO:0010769 | 0.004547582 | 2.342 |
Secretion | GO:0046903 | 0.004648136 | 2.333 |
Cell Adhesion | GO:0007155 | 0.00503037 | 2.298 |
Biological Adhesion | GO:0022610 | 0.005314483 | 2.275 |
Organic Hydroxy Compound Transport | GO:0015850 | 0.005357541 | 2.271 |
Intermembrane Lipid Transfer | GO:0120009 | 0.006131955 | 2.212 |
Exocytosis | GO:0006887 | 0.006499986 | 2.187 |
Steroid Biosynthetic Process | GO:0006694 | 0.006623642 | 2.179 |
Cdc42 Protein Signal Transduction | GO:0032488 | 0.006865718 | 2.163 |
Regulation of Cholesterol Ssterification | GO:0010872 | 0.006865718 | 2.163 |
Regulation of Triglyceride Catabolic Process | GO:0010896 | 0.006865718 | 2.163 |
Acylglycerol Catabolic Process | GO:0046464 | 0.007287829 | 2.137 |
Neutral Lipid Catabolic Process | GO:0046461 | 0.007287829 | 2.137 |
Substrate Adhesion-Dependent Cell Spreading | GO:0034446 | 0.008081591 | 2.093 |
Negative Regulation of Plasma Lipoprotein Oxidation | GO:0034445 | 0.008917017 | 2.050 |
Regulation of Plasma Lipoprotein Oxidation | GO:0034444 | 0.008917017 | 2.050 |
Secretion by Cell | GO:0032940 | 0.009039373 | 2.044 |
Triglyceride Metabolic Process | GO:0006641 | 0.00964557 | 2.016 |
Positive Regulation of Cell Adhesion | GO:0045785 | 0.009890818 | 2.005 |
Regulation of Cell Morphogenesis | GO:0022604 | 0.01018014 | 1.992 |
Positive Regulation of Heterotypic Cell-Cell Adhesion | GO:0034116 | 0.010529465 | 1.978 |
Regulation of Cell-Cell Adhesion | GO:0022407 | 0.011281044 | 1.948 |
Negative Regulation of Blood Coagulation | GO:0030195 | 0.01262872 | 1.899 |
Negative Regulation of Hemostasis | GO:1900047 | 0.013577968 | 1.867 |
Export from Cell | GO:0140352 | 0.014773845 | 1.831 |
Cholesterol Esterification | GO:0034435 | 0.015294749 | 1.815 |
Steroid Esterification | GO:0034433 | 0.015294749 | 1.815 |
Sterol Esterification | GO:0034434 | 0.015294749 | 1.815 |
Positive Regulation of Cell-Substrate Adhesion | GO:0010811 | 0.01579924 | 1.801 |
Negative Regulation of Coagulation | GO:0050819 | 0.019135052 | 1.718 |
Lipid Catabolic Process | GO:0016042 | 0.020745205 | 1.683 |
Platelet Aggregation | GO:0070527 | 0.023183729 | 1.635 |
Plasma Lipoprotein Particle Oxidation | GO:0034441 | 0.026712669 | 1.573 |
Acylglycerol Metabolic Process | GO:0006639 | 0.028359777 | 1.547 |
Neutral Lipid Metabolic Process | GO:0006638 | 0.029346144 | 1.532 |
Supramolecular Fiber Organization | GO:0097435 | 0.029625 | 1.528 |
Cell Activation | GO:0001775 | 0.029657104 | 1.528 |
Macromolecule Localization | GO:0033036 | 0.029741556 | 1.527 |
Transport | GO:0006810 | 0.030983148 | 1.509 |
Organic Hydroxy Compound Biosynthetic Process | GO:1901617 | 0.031015934 | 1.508 |
Regulation of Blood Coagulation | GO:0030193 | 0.033129732 | 1.480 |
Alcohol Biosynthetic Process | GO:0046165 | 0.035839906 | 1.446 |
Regulation of Hemostasis | GO:1900046 | 0.037051615 | 1.431 |
Plasminogen Activation | GO:0031639 | 0.037580747 | 1.425 |
Regulation of Lipoprotein Lipase Activity | GO:0051004 | 0.037580747 | 1.425 |
Regulation of Localization | GO:0032879 | 0.04005842 | 1.397 |
Glycerolipid Catabolic Process | GO:0046503 | 0.041304441 | 1.384 |
Vascular Process in Circulatory System | GO:0003018 | 0.041522396 | 1.382 |
Regulation of Vesicle-Mediated Transport | GO:0060627 | 0.044575903 | 1.351 |
Regulation of Cholesterol Transport | GO:0032374 | 0.045905316 | 1.338 |
Regulation of Sterol Transport | GO:0032371 | 0.045905316 | 1.338 |
Fibrinolysis | GO:0042730 | 0.048124122 | 1.318 |
Regulation of Coagulation | GO:0050818 | 0.048341707 | 1.316 |