Fig. 4. Skeletal abnormalities in Smoc1/2 DKO mice.
Smoc1+/−;Smoc2−/− mice were mated, and Smoc1+/+;Smoc2−/− and Smoc1−/−;Smoc2−/− littermate mice were analyzed at E17.5 macroscopically under a stereoscopic microscope (a) and by skeletal preparations stained with alizarin red and alcian blue (b–h). a Growth retardation in Smoc1−/−;Smoc2−/− mice. Staining in the whole body (b), skull (c), clavicle (d), scapula (e), humerus (f), tibia and fibula (g), and forelimb (h) of Smoc1+/+;Smoc2−/− and Smoc1−/−;Smoc2−/− littermate mice. a, b Scale bars: 5 mm. c–h Scale bars: 1 mm.