Table 2.
Code | Definition |
Road features | |
Traffic (Tf) | Estimated traffic volume (vehicles/day; classes: 1. < 500; 2. 500–1000; 3. 1000–2000) |
Speed limit (Sl) | Road section speed limit (km/h) |
Cross (Dc) | Distance to nearest crossroad (m) |
Embankment (Em) | Presence of embankment (road above surrounding land) (P/A) |
Slope (Sp) | Presence of lateral cutting (road below surrounding land) (P/A) |
Ditch (Dt) | Presence of marginal ditch (P/A) |
Habitat features | |
Crops (Cp) | Total surface area covered by crops (ha) |
Natural (Nv) | Total surface area covered by natural vegetation (ha) |
Diversity (Pd) | Patch diversity (Shannon index; crops and natural vegetation) |
Landscape features | |
Ecotone (Ec) | Total ecotone length (km) |
Heterogeneity (Lh) | Landscape heterogeneity (Baxter-Wolfe interspersion index) |
Road features were measured at each collision point. Habitat-level variables were measured in a 100 m radius buffer around each collision point, while landscape-level variables were measured in a 500 m radius buffer.
P/A presence/absence.