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. 2021 Oct 19;12:6084. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-26131-z

Fig. 1. Dendritic spine surplus is associated with increased rsfMRI hyperconnectivity in Tsc2+/ mice.

Fig. 1

a Experimental design of spine density measurements. Intergroup comparisons showed a surplus of dendritic spine density in Tsc2+/ (+/−) mutant mice. Representative confocal images of Layer 5 dendritic spines in +/+ and +/− mice are also reported (unpaired t test, two-sided, t = 2.72, P = 0.021. n = 7 (+/+) and n = 5 (+/−) mice). b Voxelwise rsfMRI mapping revealed widespread increases in long-range connectivity in cortico-limbic and striatal areas of Tsc2+/ mice (red–yellow, left). Global histogram analysis confirmed these findings, revealing a marked increase in the number of voxels showing stronger long-range rsfMRI connectivity in prefrontal and insular regions of Tsc2+/ mice (right). c Spatial extension of the mouse default-mode network as probed using a seed region in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). Between-group comparisons (bottom) revealed prominent prefronto-cortical and striatal hyperconnectivity in Tsc2+/ mice as compared to control littermates (red–yellow, bottom). Regional quantifications of this effects confirmed increased prefrontal rsfMRI connectivity with retrosplenial (RS, unpaired t test, two-sided, t = 3.40, P = 0.002) and striatal (CPu, unpaired t test, two-sided, t = 2.88, P = 0.006) areas in Tsc2+/− mice. d Spatial extension of the mouse salience network as probed using a seed region in the anterior insular cortex (Ins). Between-group comparisons revealed foci of increased connectivity in prefrontal (PFC, unpaired t test, two-sided, t = 2.69, P =  0.011) and retrosplenial cortices (RS, unpaired t test, two-sided, t = 2.70, P = 0.009) of Tsc2+/− mice (red–yellow, bottom). Regional quantifications of these effects confirmed increased connectivity between anterior insula and prefrontal and retrosplenial cortices in Tsc2+/ mice. Error bars represent SEM. Cpu striatum, Ins insular cortex, PFC prefrontal cortex, RS retrosplenial cortex. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01. n = 20 mice for each group in panel (b), (c), and (d). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.