Cryo-EM 3D reconstruction of PfK5ΔL6-MD MT complexes. A, example micrograph of the PfK5ΔL6-MD bound MTs with 5 mM AMPPNP. White arrows indicate PfK5ΔL6-MD decoration present every 8 nm (1 αβ-tubulin dimer). B–E, 3D reconstructions have been locally low-pass filtered according to local resolution. B, the unsymmetrized (C1) reconstruction of the PfK5ΔL6-MD no nucleotide state bound to MTs, depicting the central portion of the MT reconstruction. C, as in (B), for the AMPPNP state. D, reconstruction of the PfK5ΔL6-MD no nucleotide state bound to αβ-tubulin after asymmetric unit refinement. E, as in (D), for the AMPPNP state. F, Ribbon depiction of the no nucleotide state model in corresponding cryo-EM density. G, as in (F), for the AMPPNP state. In (F) and (G), key components of the PfK5ΔL6-MD are labeled and color-coded as indicated.