FIG 2.
Screening for anti-EEHV antibodies in an uncharacterized cohort of adult elephants and in elephants that survived EEHV-HD, with detection of anti-EEHV3A U39 (A) and EEHV3A E34 (B) antibodies by LIPS assays. Each symbol represents a sample from an animal either with unknown EEHV history (UNK) or with a history of surviving EEHV3-HD (EEHV-HD II) from one of three herds (A, B, or C). Antibody levels are expressed in RLUs and plotted on a log10 scale. Mean ± SD values for each cohort (unknown-history, EEHV-positive, EEHV-HD I, and EEHV-HD II groups) are shown, with each symbol representing the mean result for one elephant at a single time point with four replicates from two independent experiments. **, statistically significant difference (P < 0.005) between unknown-history, EEHV-positive, EEHV-HD I, and EEHV-HD II groups, as determined by the Mann-Whitney U test on log-transformed values. The dashed lines indicate the cutoff levels for determining the sensitivity and specificity for each viral antigen, which were derived from the mean antibody titers of seronegative serum samples or no-serum controls plus 5 SDs.