Figure 4.
Negative-stain TEM micrographs following the propagation of vascular-derived amyloid from human CAA/ad and CAA/s cases using LCM.A, vascular amyloid fibrils extracted from the CAA/ad patient using LCM (generation-0). B, generation-1 Aβ40-WT fibrils derived from CAA/ad vascular amyloid. Insert shows short, bundled fibrils that were also observed on the TEM grids. C, generation-3 Aβ40-WT derived from the CAA/ad patient used for NMR data acquisition in Figure 5D. D, vascular amyloid fibrils extracted from the CAA/s patient using LCM (generation-0). E, generation-1 Aβ40-WT fibrils derived from CAA/s vascular amyloid. F, generation-3 Aβ40-WT derived from the CAA/s patient used for NMR data acquisition in Figure 5E. Scale bars are 100 nm.