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Sensitivity of detection of HIV-1 by the gp41 M/O primer set compared with those of commercial viral load assays

Specimen Country of origin Subtype (env/prt)a Sensitivity of viral load assay (no. of copies/ml)b
Result with gp41 M/O primers
Chiron OTC Roche
301-06 Ghana A 4 × 103 5 × 103 BLD Positive
301-07 Ghana A 5 × 103 2 × 103 BLD Positive
301-12 Ghana A 6 × 104 3 × 104 BLD Positive
301-21 Uganda A/A 7 × 102 BLD BLD Positive
301-24 Uganda A BLD 9 × 102 6 × 102 Positive
301-27 Uganda A/BD BLD BLD BLD Positive
TIA175 Ivory Coast A ND BLDc BLDc Positive
301-14 South Africa C/B 4 × 103 BLD 7 × 102 Positive
301-16 South Africa C 3 × 103 9 × 102 BLD Positive
301-29 Zimbabwe C >8 × 105 1 × 103 BLD Positive
301-44 India C 4 × 103 BLD 3 × 103 Positive
301-23 Uganda D BLD BLD BLD Positive
301-26 Uganda D/D 2 × 103 BLD 5 × 102 Positive
301-39 Zimbabwe E/A 4 × 103 BLD BLD Positive
301-40 Thailand E/A 2 × 103 BLD BLD Positive
301-47 Argentina F/B BLD BLD BLD Positive
301-03 Ghana G 103 BLD BLD Positive
301-08 Ghana G 1 × 103 7 × 102 BLD Positive
DAA3671 Ivory Coast G ND BLDc BLDc Positive
DAA3760 Ivory Coast G ND BLDc BLDc Positive
301-01 Cameroon O BLD BLD BLD Positive

Subtype was ascribed based on phylogenetic analysis of the env region. In some cases, the protease region (prt) was also sequenced to identify potential dual or recombinant infections. Specimen no. 310-14, 301-27, 301-39, and 301-47 represent dual infection with multiple subtypes or potential recombinants of two different genotypes. 


BLD, below limit of detection. The limits of detection of each assay were 500 copies/ml for the Chiron assay and 400 copies/ml for the OTC and Roche assays. ND, not done. 


Specimen still negative by the ultrasensitive versions of the OTC and Roche assays (both with a detection limit of 50 copies/ml).