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. 2021 Oct 21;22:753. doi: 10.1186/s12864-021-08059-2

Table 4.

List of strains used in the present study. All listed strains are “mono-eukaryotic clonal cultures”, type of in vitro cultivation, xenic or monoxenic, is indicated. All H. meleagridis cultures were established in our laboratory from caecal material and faeces of infected turkeys or chickens that were sent to our Clinic (Clinic for Poultry and Fish Medicine, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria) for routine diagnostic investigation. The host bird species for each culture is indicated in the assignment of the strain according to following scheme: Histomonas meleagridis /bird species from which he parasite was isolated/country/diagnostic number – clone no. at micromanipulation/year of isolation

strain type of in vitro cultivation passage purpose
H. meleagridis/turkey/Austria/2922-C6/04/DH5αa monoxenic 28p Illumina and MINIon sequencing, confirmation of variants
H. meleagridis/turkey/Austria/2922-C6/04b xenic 13p confirmation of variants
H. meleagridis/chicken/Austria13250-C20/10c xenic 24p
H. meleagridis/turkey/Austria/2877-C3/05c xenic 22p
H. meleagridis/chicken/Austria/8175-C7/06c xenic 21p

aassignment: Histomonas meleagridis isolated from turkey/country/diagnostic number – clone no. at micromanipulation/year of isolation/monoxenic grown with E. coli DH5α. Monoxenization was done independently at passage 10 (virulent) and 290 (attenuated) [13]

bxenic cultures prior to monoxenization at passage 290

c assignment Histomonas meleagridis /bird species from which he parasite was isolated/country/diagnostic number – clone no. at micromanipulation/year of isolation