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. 2021 Oct 21;2021(10):CD001146. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001146.pub6
Date Event Description
25 September 2020 New search has been performed Review updated. Data reported in subgroups by corticosteroid used (dexamethasone vs hydrocortisone), when possible
25 September 2020 New citation required and conclusions have changed Updated December 2020. Minor data amendments. Investigation for potential heterogeneity among infants treated with hydrocortisone by primary intent of treatment ‐ either for lung problems or for blood pressure problems. Some changes to conclusions. More evidence for effects of early hydrocortisone has emerged
23 January 2018 Amended Additional data were incorrectly presented in Table 1.3.2. This has been removed. The text of the review remains unchanged, as it did not reflect this error
10 July 2017 New citation required and conclusions have changed Made changes to conclusions regarding hydrocortisone during first week of life
2 July 2017 New search has been performed Updated searches 21 February 2017; updated text and data in May 2017, and again in July 2017. Added data from new studies (Baud 2016; Hochwald 2014). Also added data from 2 arms of a 3‐arm study (Lauterbach 2006), which was not included in earlier reviews
8 January 2014 New citation required but conclusions have not changed Added data from a pilot study of hydrocortisone for blood pressure support (Batton 2012). Made minor changes to discussion of another study ‐ Stark 2001 ‐ with full publication of follow‐up data (2013)
7 September 2013 New search has been performed Updated searches 22 August 2013
5 November 2009 Amended Edited reference citation (Peltoniemi 2005)
10 November 2008 New citation required but conclusions have not changed Made substantive updates
10 September 2008 New search has been performed This review updates the existing review, "Early postnatal (< 96 hours) corticosteroids for preventing chronic lung disease in preterm infants," which was published in the Cochrane Library (2003, Issue 1)
This update includes data from a total of 28 trials, 12 of which provided long‐term follow‐up data
10 April 2008 Amended Converted to new review format
11 November 2002 New search has been performed This review updates the existing review, "Early postnatal (< 96 hours) corticosteroids for preventing chronic lung disease in preterm infants," which was published in the Cochrane Library (2001, Issue 1)

Included in this update are additional long‐term neurodevelopmental follow‐up data from 7 trials: data for Baden 1972 and Romagnoli 1999 were published in full reports; data for Subhedar 1997 were published as a letter to the editor; data for Stark 2001 were obtained from a presented and published abstract; and data for Sanders 1994, Sinkin 2000, and Watterberg 1999 were provided by trial investigators. Also included 2 trials reporting short‐term outcome data: Halac 1990 and Biswas 2003
Although early steroid treatment facilitates extubation and reduces risk of chronic lung disease, long‐term follow‐up studies indicate potentially increased risk of adverse neurosensory outcomes. Furthermore, short‐term complications such as gastrointestinal bleeding, intestinal perforation, hyperglycaemia, hypertension, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and growth failure are increased by early steroid treatment
11 November 2002 New citation required and conclusions have changed Made substantive amendments