Table 1.
Postoperative Phase 1: The Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy Evidence Statement for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Rehabilitation3
Goal Phase 1:“minimal synovitis/effusion, extension 0°, voluntary quadriceps control, active dynamic gait pattern” | |
Level of Body Functions and Structures | |
Mobility |
Strength Training |
Active and/or passive knee extension exercises when there is an extension deficit. Aim at an extension of 0° in 2 to 4 weeks. | Reactivation of the quadriceps: active knee extensions when seated with the legs straightened. |
Progress from isometric quadriceps exercise to concentric and eccentric exercises provided that the knee does not react with increasing temperature, effusion, and/or pain. | |
Heel slides to improve knee flexion. Aim at 120–130° of flexion in 4 to 6 weeks. | Closed kinetic chain quadriceps training (ROM 0-60°). |
Open kinetic chain quadriceps exercises can be performed without resistance from week 4 in ROM 90–45°. Increase ROM by 10° each week. | |
Concentric and eccentric strength training of the gluteal muscles, hamstrings, and calf muscles | |
Level of Activities and Participation | |
Walking and Bicycling |
Neuromuscular Training |
Load the operated leg. Practice gait at different speeds and on various surfaces | Neuromuscular training on two legs. Gradually increase difficulty by adding perturbation; training on one leg; training on an increasingly difficult board; training with eyes closed; and adding tasks, such as catching and throwing a ball or answering a difficult arithmetical problem. |
Start cycling on a home trainer when knee flexion reaches 100°. Use cycling as a warm-up and mobilization exercise. | Encourage correct quality of performance during strength training and walking. |
Criteria to Start Phase 2: | |
Knee extension of at least 0° and 120–130° flexion. | |
Voluntary control of the quadriceps. | |
Active dynamic gait pattern without crutches. | |
Correct qualitative performance of phase 1 exercises. |
Abbreviation: ROM, range of motion.
Reproduced from Br J Sports Med, van Melick N, van Cingel RE, Brooijmans F, et al. 50 (24), 1506–1515, 2016, with permission from BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.