Accelerated growth of Yumm1.7 melanoma tumors in CD200R–/– mice. (A) Flow cytometry analysis of CD200 expression in Yumm1.7 cells. Red line represents isotype antibody control, blue line represents cells stained with CD200 Antibody. (B) Tumor growth kinetics. Yumm1.7 cells were injected into each mouse subcutaneously at a dose of 5 × 105/mouse. Tumor growth was monitored by measuring tumor length and width every 2 days after the appearance of tumors. Growth kinetics (changes of mean tumor volume over time) are shown. ∗∗P = 0.0012; ∗∗∗P = 0.00067; ∗P = 0.0101 on day 18; ∗P = 0.0017 on day 20. (C) Area under the curve (AUC) was calculated based on the tumor volume data shown in B (∗∗P = 0.0079). (D) Tumors isolated from wild type and CD200R–/– mice were weighted at the end of the experiment (∗∗P = 0.0069). Data shown represents three experiments with similar results. Two sided Student’s t-test was used for the statistical analysis.