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. 2021 Oct 8;12:726767. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.726767

Table 4.

Quantitative trait loci (QTL) detected on different chromosomes by inclusive composite interval mapping analysis for resistance to charcoal rot in two F2:3 biparental mapping populations.

Population QTL Ch Ch bin Position, cm Marker interval Physical position (B73_V2) (LM) Physical position (RM) LOD PVE (%) Total PVE% Additive effect Dominant effect D/A Gene action
MSR qMSR3 3 3.09 101 PZA03391_1–ZA00316_10 219,859,920 223,513,639 3.1 5.72 23.54 −0.1724 0.007 −0.04 A
qMSR4 4 4.02–4.03 15 PHM3963_33–PHM259_7 5,459,125 14,326,036 2.77 6.49 −0.143 −0.1522 1.06 D
qMSR6 6 6.02–6.03 17 PHM12904_7–S6_103513378 88,691,499 103,513,378 3.26 5.65 −0.1685 0.0012 −0.01 A
qMSR8 8 8.06–8.07 59 PZA01964_29–PHM4757_14 166,984,405 151,452,567 6.42 13.86 −0.2651 −0.0721 0.27 PD
FMSR qFMSR6 6 6.03–6.04 26 PZA01029_1–S6_103513510 114,031,392 103,513,510 3.298 6.56 10.48 −0.2115 −0.0393 0.185 D
qFMSR7 7 7.03 37 PZA02643_1–PZA03166_1 128,365,318 137,632,654 3.223 6.51 −0.2068 0.0357 −0.17 D

Ch, chromosome; LOD, likelihood odds; PVE, phenotypic variation explained; A, additive effect; D, dominant effect; PD, partially dominant.

The QTLs represented in bold show QTLs that had LOD scores above the LOD threshold based on 1,000 permutations, and the ones in normal fonts are the ones that were above LOD threshold of 2.5.