Fig. 4.
Multimodal image of case 4. a Color fundus photograph of retinoblastoma lesion 1 with type 2 regression (green star) and lesion 2 with type 4 regression (red star) of the right eye 1 month after the first TTT. b En face 20 × 20° OCTA shows that lesion 1 with a type 2 regression pattern has dilated feeder and draining vessels around a dense network of intrinsic vessels (green star) compared to the signal void area at the location of lesion 2 (red star), which has a type 4 regression pattern. OCT B-scans over lesion 1 (c) and lesion 2 (d) show an elevated hyper-reflective lesion and an atrophic area, respectively. e Color fundus photograph of the same lesions immediately after the second TTT. f Color fundus photograph of a retinoblastoma lesion with a type 3 regression pattern but mostly calcified very close to turning into a type 1 regression pattern in the left eye 1 month after the first TTT. g OCT B-scan shows an elevated lesion with an irregular anterior border and intralesional calcifications generating shadowing. En face 20 × 20° OCTA of the left eye shows on the superficial portion of the lesion a dense intrinsic vascular network formed by fine vessels (h) and OCTA at the deeper part of the tumor depicts various dark areas caused by shadowing from calcifications and a more tortuous network of vessels (i). j Color fundus photograph of the left eye lesion immediately after the second TTT session. OCTA, optical coherence tomography angiography; TTT, transpupillary thermotherapy.