Structure, and dynamical and steady-state behaviors of Model 3b. (A) Structure of Model 3b featuring two-step ETGE binding and interaction with class VI activator. Dynamical changes of (B)NRF2tot and (C)NRF2free in response different levels of CLASSVI. (D) Steady-state dose-response curves of NRF2tot and NRF2free. Shown are nH and LRCmax for NRF2free; nH and LRCmax for NRF2total are 1.35 and 0.35 respectively (not shown). (E) Steady-state dose-response curves of KEAP1_NRF2open_tot, KEAP1_NRF2closed_tot, ClassVI1_KEAP1 (Class VI activator-KEAP1 complex containing one activator molecule) and ClassVI2_KEAP1 (containing two activator molecules). (F–G) Steady-state oxidant-response curves of NRF2tot, NRF2free, KEAP1_NRF2open_tot, KEAP1_NRF2closed_tot, and ClassVI1_KEAP1 under condition when only one class VI activator molecule is allowed to bind to KEAP1 by setting k’7 = k’8 = 0.