Electrophoretic analysis of PCR products of HRV reference strains. Lane 1, DNA molecular weight marker VIII (a mixture of pUCBM21 DNA HpaII and DraI-plus-HindIII digest; Boehringer Mannheim); lane 2, strain Wa (G1, P[8]); lane 3, strain DS1 (G2, P[4]); lane 4, strain ST3 (G4, P[6]); lane 5, strain AU-1 (G3, P[9]); lane 6, strain PA169 (G6, P[14]). (A) Ethidium bromide-stained gel showing RT-PCR products after second amplification, visualized under UV light. (B) Results of Southern hybridization with biotinylated HRV P[14] genotype-specific PR-1 probe.