Table 1.
Summary of prophylactic EBV vaccines.
Platform/Antigen/Adjuvant | Animal/ Clinical trial | Published year | Results |
1. EBV envelope protein vaccines | |||
Subunit vaccine, purified full length gp340 from virus, with liposome, Freund’s adjuvant, lipid A | Mice, | 1984 | Antibody responses were induced (70). |
Cottontop | |||
tamarins | |||
Subunit vaccine, Purified full length gp340 from virus | Cottontop | 1985 | Protection against malignant lymphoma (151). |
tamarins | |||
Subunit vaccine, purified gp350/gp220 from yeast and mammalian cells | Rabbits | 1988 | EBV-specific neutralizing antibodies were induced (152). |
Subunit vaccine, purified gp340, incorporated into immune-stimulating complexes | Cottontop | 1988 | Protection against malignant lymphoma (153). |
tamarins | |||
Subunit vaccine, recombinant gp340 adjuvanted with Alum | Cottontop | 1994 | Protection of 3/5 cottontop tamarins against malignant lymphoma (154). |
tamarins | |||
Subunit vaccine, recombinant single chain gp350 with Freund’s adjuvant versus Alum | Rabbits | 1999 | High titers of neutralizing antibody elicited (155). |
Subunit vaccine, recombinant single chain gp350 with AS04 versus alum | Phase II | 2007 | Induced neutralizing antibodies in 70% of human subjects, and decreased IM by 78% (156). |
Subunit vaccine, recombinant tetrameric versus monomeric gp3501-470 adjuvanted with alum/CpG-ODN | Mice | 2013 | Tetrameric gp350 induced ∼20- fold higher titers of IgG and >19-fold higher neutralizing titers at the highest dose (157). |
Subunit vaccine, self- assembling nanoparticles expressing gp3501-123 | Mice | 2015 | gp350-nanoparticle elicited 10- to 100-fold higher neutralizing titers compared to soluble gp350 (158). |
Subunit vaccine, recombinant monomeric gH/gL, trimeric gH/gL and trimeric gB, adjuvanted with alum/CpG-ODN | Rabbits | 2016 | Trimeric and monomeric gH/gL, trimeric gB, and tetrameric gp350 induced EBV-neutralizing titers >100-, 20-, 18-, and 4-fold higher, respectively, than monomeric gp350 (159). |
Subunit vaccine, Fc-fused gp350 dimer with Alum | Mice | 2018 | Elicited significantly higher neutralizing titers than gp350 monomer (160). |
Subunit vaccine, self-assembling nanoparticles expressing gH/gL or gH/gL/gp42 with SAS adjuvant | Mice, cynomolgus macaques | 2019 | gH/gL and gH/gL/gp42-ferritin nanoparticles elicited >40- and ~4-fold higher neutralization titers for B cells in monkeys compared with soluble proteins; for epithelial cells, >25- and ~4-fold higher neutralizing titers were elicited. (161). |
Subunit vaccine, recombinant trimeric gB, monomeric gH/gL and their combination, adjuvanted with alum/CpG-ODN | Rabbits, humanized mice | 2021 | Sera from rabbits immunized trimeric gB or monomeric gH/gL protected humanized mice from lethal dose EBV challenge and markedly decreased EBV loads. Immunization with the combination of gB and gH/gL elicited strong synergistic neutralizing activity (162). |
2. EBV Virus-Like particle (VLP) vaccines | |||
EBV-derived VLP, produced via the deletion of the EBV terminal repeats, EBNA2, EBNA 3A, 3B and 3C, LMP1 and BZLF1 | Mice | 2011 | EBV-specific humoral and cellular immune responses were induced (163). |
EBV-derived VLP, produced by fusing EBNA1 and EBNA3C to the major tegument protein BNRF1 | Humanized mice | 2018 | Potent CD4+ T cell responses elicited, and EBV loads were reduced (164). |
Newcastle disease virus (NDV) VLP, expressing gp350/220 Ectodomain | Mice | 2015 | Elicited neutralizing antibody responses, but not higher than that of soluble gp350/220 (165). |
NDV VLP, expressing gH/gL-EBNA1 or gB-LMP2 | Mice | 2017 | Elicited EBV-specific T-cell responses and higher EBV neutralizing titers (166). |
3. Synthesized mRNA EBV vaccines | |||
Synthesized mRNA encoding gp350, gB, gH/gL and gp42 | Mice | 2021 | Elicited ~20- and ~100-fold higher neutralizing activities for B cells and epithelial cells respectively compared to human sera. |