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. 2021 Oct 8;12:734471. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.734471

Table 1.

Summary of prophylactic EBV vaccines.

Platform/Antigen/Adjuvant Animal/ Clinical trial Published year Results
1. EBV envelope protein vaccines
Subunit vaccine, purified full length gp340 from virus, with liposome, Freund’s adjuvant, lipid A Mice, 1984 Antibody responses were induced (70).
Subunit vaccine, Purified full length gp340 from virus Cottontop 1985 Protection against malignant lymphoma (151).
Subunit vaccine, purified gp350/gp220 from yeast and mammalian cells Rabbits 1988 EBV-specific neutralizing antibodies were induced (152).
Subunit vaccine, purified gp340, incorporated into immune-stimulating complexes Cottontop 1988 Protection against malignant lymphoma (153).
Subunit vaccine, recombinant gp340 adjuvanted with Alum Cottontop 1994 Protection of 3/5 cottontop tamarins against malignant lymphoma (154).
Subunit vaccine, recombinant single chain gp350 with Freund’s adjuvant versus Alum Rabbits 1999 High titers of neutralizing antibody elicited (155).
Subunit vaccine, recombinant single chain gp350 with AS04 versus alum Phase II 2007 Induced neutralizing antibodies in 70% of human subjects, and decreased IM by 78% (156).
Subunit vaccine, recombinant tetrameric versus monomeric gp3501-470 adjuvanted with alum/CpG-ODN Mice 2013 Tetrameric gp350 induced ∼20- fold higher titers of IgG and >19-fold higher neutralizing titers at the highest dose (157).
Subunit vaccine, self- assembling nanoparticles expressing gp3501-123 Mice 2015 gp350-nanoparticle elicited 10- to 100-fold higher neutralizing titers compared to soluble gp350 (158).
Subunit vaccine, recombinant monomeric gH/gL, trimeric gH/gL and trimeric gB, adjuvanted with alum/CpG-ODN Rabbits 2016 Trimeric and monomeric gH/gL, trimeric gB, and tetrameric gp350 induced EBV-neutralizing titers >100-, 20-, 18-, and 4-fold higher, respectively, than monomeric gp350 (159).
Subunit vaccine, Fc-fused gp350 dimer with Alum Mice 2018 Elicited significantly higher neutralizing titers than gp350 monomer (160).
Subunit vaccine, self-assembling nanoparticles expressing gH/gL or gH/gL/gp42 with SAS adjuvant Mice, cynomolgus macaques 2019 gH/gL and gH/gL/gp42-ferritin nanoparticles elicited >40- and ~4-fold higher neutralization titers for B cells in monkeys compared with soluble proteins; for epithelial cells, >25- and ~4-fold higher neutralizing titers were elicited. (161).
Subunit vaccine, recombinant trimeric gB, monomeric gH/gL and their combination, adjuvanted with alum/CpG-ODN Rabbits, humanized mice 2021 Sera from rabbits immunized trimeric gB or monomeric gH/gL protected humanized mice from lethal dose EBV challenge and markedly decreased EBV loads. Immunization with the combination of gB and gH/gL elicited strong synergistic neutralizing activity (162).
2. EBV Virus-Like particle (VLP) vaccines
EBV-derived VLP, produced via the deletion of the EBV terminal repeats, EBNA2, EBNA 3A, 3B and 3C, LMP1 and BZLF1 Mice 2011 EBV-specific humoral and cellular immune responses were induced (163).
EBV-derived VLP, produced by fusing EBNA1 and EBNA3C to the major tegument protein BNRF1 Humanized mice 2018 Potent CD4+ T cell responses elicited, and EBV loads were reduced (164).
Newcastle disease virus (NDV) VLP, expressing gp350/220 Ectodomain Mice 2015 Elicited neutralizing antibody responses, but not higher than that of soluble gp350/220 (165).
NDV VLP, expressing gH/gL-EBNA1 or gB-LMP2 Mice 2017 Elicited EBV-specific T-cell responses and higher EBV neutralizing titers (166).
3. Synthesized mRNA EBV vaccines
Synthesized mRNA encoding gp350, gB, gH/gL and gp42 Mice 2021 Elicited ~20- and ~100-fold higher neutralizing activities for B cells and epithelial cells respectively compared to human sera.