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. 2021 Oct 18;10(10):1266. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics10101266

Table 1.

Chemical composition of pennyroyal EO assessed by GC analysis.

Retention Time (min) Area m/z Predicted * Compounds Relative %
13.76 285,520.68 136.13 α-Pinene 0.50
15.36 13,893.17 100.09 2,5-Diethyltetrahydrofuran 0.02
19.01 209,964.64 136.13 β-Pinene 0.37
19.87 54,199.40 136.13 Sabinene 0.09
22.68 115,020.48 136.13 β-Myrcene 0.20
23.24 9218.27 136.13 p-Mentha-1(7),8-diene 0.02
25.40 157,870.05 136.13 Limonene 0.27
26.29 92,843.29 154.14 1,8-Cineole 0.16
29.07 5981.18 136.13 γ-Terpinene 0.01
29.46 5959.16 128.12 3-Octanone 0.01
30.55 15,695.05 164.34 p-Cymene 0.03
31.52 6537.28 136.13 α-Terpinolene 0.01
34.99 13,341.94 112.09 3-Methyl-Cyclohexanone 0.02
35.32 14,539.98 172.15 Octan-3-yl Acetate 0.03
39.11 432,642.07 130.14 3-Octanol 0.75
45.12 131,858.94 154.14 Menthone 0.23
46.01 12,943.67 150.11 Menthofuran 0.02
47.02 2,646,297.16 154.14 Isomenthone 4.60
48.64 95,801.61 152.12 Camphor 0.17
48.99 13,603.15 204.19 β-Bourbonene 0.02
49.64 9923.48 154.14 Linalool 0.02
50.19 9195.44 204.19 β-Cubebene 0.02
52.35 309,997.70 152.12 cis-Isopulegone 0.54
53.14 359,242.06 152.12 trans-Isopulegone 0.62
53.87 20,479.81 154.14 Terpinen-4-ol 0.04
54.28 108,658.39 204.19 + 168.15 trans-β-Caryophyllene +
57.50 49,804,964.30 152.12 Pulegone 86.64
58.94 160,304.10 204.19 α-Humulene 0.28
59.71 100,746.80 154.14 α-Terpineol 0.18
60.02 18,054.61 202.17 Dehydro-Aromadendrene 0.03
61.43 68,102.24 204.19 D-Germacrene 0.12
61.72 24,673.92 168.12 cis-Piperitone Epoxide 0.04
62.39 40,006.84 152.12 Piperitone 0.07
63.60 6533.06 156.15 Citronellol 0.01
63.99 11,083.13 204.19 Δ-Cadinene 0.02
65.56 6698.69 152.12 Myrtenol 0.01
67.78 74505.24 148.09 Anethole 0.13
67.90 12,588.66 168.12 trans-Piperitone Epoxide 0.02
73.81 1,485,580.23 150.11 Piperitenone 2.58
76.35 16,187.02 148.09 Shisofuran 0.03
83.46 5906.44 150.11 Thymol Isomer 0.01
85.31 21,831.71 150.11 Carvacrol 0.04
Total identified 43 compounds 99.17

* The m/z obtained were considered with a mass error of 1 ppm, corresponding to an uncertainty in m/z of 0.000136.