Protection against ISO-induced myocardial hypertrophy and myocardial infarction in vitro and in vivo models [86,87,88,89]
Amelioration of lipid profile and LDL oxidation in hyperlipidaemic rats [101]
Protection against diabetes-mellitus-induced cardiac alteration in vivo [102,103]
Improvement of glucose intolerance in miRNA103-overexpressing transgenic mice and glucose/lipid homeostasis [108,109,110,111]
Improvement of brain damage and neurological deficiencies following ischemic stroke, I/R damage or subarachnoid haemorrhage [116,118,119]
Protection against cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity or DOX-induced nephrotoxicity in vivo [123,124,125]
Beneficial preconditioning effect
against renal I/R injury [126]
Protection against renal pathological changes in mesoporous silica-nanoparticles-treated mice [127]
Reduction of NiONPs-induced kidney damage and carbon-nanotubes-induced mitochondrial dysfunction in rat models [29]