Ide promotes an early memory subset of DNTs that have better proliferative capacity. (A) Representative flow plots showing memory status. Memory status of ctrl-DNT and Ide-DNT on day 17 of expansion determined by CD45RA and CD62L expression. Tnaive/SCM = CD45RA+ CD62L+; TCM = CD45RA− CD62L+; TEM = CD45RA− CD62L−; Teffector = CD45RA+ CD62L−. (B) Frequency of DNTs in early memory subset TCM/SCM (CD45RA+/CD62L+ and CD45RA− CD62L+; left), TEM (CD45RA− CD62L−; middle), and TEFF (CD45RA+ CD62L−; right) from day 7 to day 17 of ex vivo DNT expansion culture. (C) TCM/SCM cell number of ctrl-DNT and Ide-DNT on day 17 of ex vivo DNT expansion culture. Each dot represents DNTs from one donor. The cell number is normalized to day 0 DNT number. (D) Relative expression of memory associated genes, TCF7, LEF1, SELL, and IL7R, in ctrl-DNT and Ide-DNT determined by qPCR. The expression shown is relative to the expression of housekeeping gene, HPRT. Each of the paired symbols represent DNTs from one donor. (E) Expansion of ctrl-DNT (black) and Ide-DNTs (red) in the presence of DNT-susceptible AML cell line, OCI-AML3. Expansion fold relative to the number of DNTs at the start of co-culture was determined after 2 days and 8 days (Left). Absolute number of viable DNTs from each treatment group after co-culture with OCI-AML3 (Right). The results shown are representative of three independent experiments. (F) Memory status of DNTs 8 days post co-culture with OCI-AML3 determined by flow cytometry. The result shown is representative of three independent experiments. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.