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. 2021 Oct 17;11(10):1364. doi: 10.3390/brainsci11101364

Table 1.

Characteristics of the included studies.

Study (Authors,
Methodological Quality)
Participants Description Study Design Exercise Protocol Time of EF Test Administration and Duration EF Task EF Domain Results
Audiffren et al. [22]
21.11 ± 1.05
21.14 ± 0.69
(N = 18)
Within-subject design Cycling at 90% VT (moderate intensity);
exercise duration (40 min)
Intermittent assessment
(a total of 5 times)
RNG Working memory;
inhibitory control
Inhibitory control was impaired while working memory did not differ from the control conditions. The EF modulation can be interpreted as a change in strategy.
Davranche et al. [35]
30 ± 8
(N = 14)
Within-subject design Cycling at 50% MAP
(moderate intensity);
Exercise duration
(two periods of 20 min cycling)
Four blocks of task trials were performed during a first 15-min period and another four blocks were performed during a second 15-min period. Flanker task Inhibitory control The task performance was not different from the control condition.
Davranche and McMorris [20]
32 ± 9
(N = 12)
Within-subject design Cycling at VT intensity
(moderate intensity);
exercise duration (20 min)
The Simon task began at the end of the 3-min
warm-up period and performed within the remaining 17-min period.
Simon task Inhibitory control According to the Simon effect, inhibitory control (RT) was impaired.
Del Giorno et al. [36]
20.2 ± 1.1
(N = 30)
Within-subject design Cycling at 75% VT and VT intensity (light and moderate intensity);
exercise duration (30 min)
Cognitive tests began at 20 min following the onset of exercise, lasting for approximately 4 min. CPT;
Inhibitory control;
cognitive flexibility
The performance of two tasks (RA) was impaired during exercise at both light and moderate intensities.
Dietrich and Sparling [21]
Exp.1 23.7 ± 9.4
(N = 24)
Between-subject design Cycling or running at
70–80% HRmax (vigorous intensity);
exercise duration (50 min)
Cognitive tests began after 25 min of exercise, lasting for approximately 10 min. WCST Cognitive flexibility For the WCST, the exercise group made significantly more errors compared to the control group.
Exp.2 25.1 ± 6.3
(N = 8)
Within-subject design Running at vigorous intensity;
exercise duration (65 min)
After 25 min of exercise, lasting for approximately 28 min. PASAT Working memory For the PASAT, the exercise condition resulted in significantly more errors than the control condition.
Dodwell et al. [37]
24.5 ± 2.6
(N = 18)
Within-subject design Cycling or running at 65% HRR intensity
(vigorous intensity)
The Retro-cue task began following 5–10 min of warm-up period, included 4 blocks of 96 trials. Retro-cue task Working memory RT was facilitated in the exercise condition compared to the control condition.
Joyce et al. [15]
23 ± 2
(N = 10)
Within-subject design Cycling at 40% MAP
(moderate intensity);
exercise duration (30 min)
The Stop-signal task was performed whilst cycling after a 4-min warm-up period and lasted approximately 22 min. Stop-signal task Inhibitory control Inhibitory control was improved during exercise (shorter RT without a change in RA).
Joyce et al. [26]
23 ± 2
(N = 12)
Within-subject design Cycling at 65% of HRmax
(moderate intensity);
exercise duration (30 min)
The Simon task was performed after 5-min warm-up period and lasted approximately 23 min. Simon Task Inhibitory control According to the Simon effect, inhibitory control was unchanged during exercise.
Komiyama et al. [38]
21.5 ± 3.5
(N = 13)
Within-subject design Cycling at 50% VO2max
(moderate intensity);
exercise duration (20 min)
The EF tasks were started after a 5-min warm-up period. Spatial DR task;
Go/No-Go task
Working memory;
inhibitory control
The task performance (RT) was improved during exercise without sacrificing RA.
Komiyama et al. [39]
23.0 ± 2.3
(N = 16)
Within-subject design Cycling at heart rate of 140 beats/min
(moderate intensity);
exercise duration (30 min)
Intermittent assessment
(a total of 2 times)
Spatial DR
Go/No-Go task
Working memory;
inhibitory control
RA was not changed in the Spatial DR task;
RT was shorter without sacrificing RA in the Go/No-Go task.
Komiyama et al. [23]
22.1 ± 1.7
(N = 17)
Within-subject design Cycling at 50%VO2 peak (moderate intensity) for 8 min; thereafter, participants cycled at 80% VO2 peak (vigorous intensity) for an additional 8 min. Participant performed the EF tasks 3 min after commencing each workload. Spatial DR task;
Go/No-Go task
Working memory;
inhibitory control
RA of the tasks was impaired during vigorous-intensity exercise, whereas it was not changed during moderate-intensity exercise; RT was not changed during both intensity exercises.
Lambourne et al. [25]
21.1 ± 1.7
(N = 19)
Within-subject design Cycling at 90% VT intensity (moderate intensity);
exercise duration (40 min)
Intermittent assessment
(a total of 5 times)
PASAT Working memory RA of the task in the exercise condition did not differ from the control condition.
Lucas et al. [40]
24 ± 5
(N = 13)
Within-subject design Cycling at 30% followed by 70% of HRR (light and vigorous intensity);
exercise duration
(two 8-min bouts of cycling)
The Stroop task involved 2 blocks of 20 trials. Stroop task Inhibitory control RT was facilitated during exercise. Vigorous-intensity exercise led to greater improvement compared to light-intensity exercise.
Martins et al. [24]
Exp. 1 20.50 ± 0.89
(N = 24)
Between-subject design Cycling at
moderate intensity;
(short duration)
Four blocks lasting approximately 8 min. PASAT Working memory RA of the task was improved during moderate-intensity exercise.
Exp. 2 19.57 ± 0.83
(N = 120)
Mixed Multi-factorial experimental design Cycling at light and moderate intensity;
(short duration)
Two blocks lasting approximately 16 min. Sternberg task Working memory Light and moderate intensity exercise lowered the response latency slopes, resulting in improved working memory.
McMorris et al. [41]
24.32 ± 7.10
(N = 24)
Within-subject design Cycling at 50% and 80% MAP (moderate and vigorous intensity);
exercise duration
(15 min or until voluntary exhaustion)
Intermittent assessment
(a total of 3 times)
Flanker task Inhibitory control Vigorous-intensity exercise impaired RT, but moderate-intensity exercise did not change the task performance.
Ogoh et al. [42]
20.4 ± 0.6
(N = 7)
Within-subject design Cycling at heart rate of 140 beats/min
(moderate intensity);
exercise duration (50 min)
Intermittent assessment
(a total of 4 times)
Stroop task Inhibitory control RT was facilitated during exercise without any loss of performance accuracy.
Olson et al. [43]
20.4 ± 2.0
(N = 27)
Within-subject design Cycling at 40% and 60% VO2peak (light and moderate intensity);
exercise duration (31 min)
Intermittent assessment
(a total of 3 times)
Flanker task Inhibitory control RA was impaired during both light and moderate intensity exercise, but RT was facilitated during moderate-intensity exercise.
Pontifex and Hillman [44]
20.2 ± 1.6
(N = 41)
Within-subject design Cycling at 60% of HRmax (moderate intensity);
exercise duration (approximately 11 min)
The Simon task was performed after 5 min of exercise, lasing for approximately 6.5 min. Flanker task Inhibitory control Exercise did not affect RT but showed a decrease in RA for incongruent trials, resulting in impaired inhibitory control.
Schmit et al. [45]
22.1 ± 0.6
(N = 15)
Within-subject design Cycling at 85% MAP until exhaustion;
exercise duration (approximately 7 min)
Participants performed the Flanker task until exhaustion. Flanker task Inhibitory control RT was facilitated during exercise in the initial stage and remained unaltered in the final stage.
Smith et al. [46]
28 ± 5
(N = 15)
Within-subject design Running at moderate and high intensity;
exercise duration (10 min)
The EF task was performed during the last 2 min of exercise. Go/No-Go task Inhibitory control RT was impaired during high-intensity exercise, whereas it was not changed during moderate-intensity exercise.
Stone et al. [19]
19.6 ± 2
(N = 13)
Within-subject design Conducted at an exercise intensity in an incremental manner; the average duration was between 20–24 min. The OWAT test was administered throughout the entirety of the graded exercise test. OWAT Cognitive flexibility RA was not changed at an intensity from 20% to 80% HRR, where it was impaired from 80% to 100% HRR.
Wang et al. [47]
20.51 ± 1.99
(N = 80)
Between-subject design Cycling at 30%, 50%, and 80% HRR
(light, moderate, and vigorous intensity);
exercise duration (30 min)
The WCST was performed 6 min after exercise onset. WCST Cognitive flexibility Cognitive flexibility (WCST indices) was impaired in the group of vigorous intensity, whereas it was not changed in groups of light and moderate intensity compared to the control group.

M, male; Exp, experiment; WCST, Wisconsin card sorting task; PASAT, paced auditory serial addition task; RNG, random number generation; CPT, contingent continuous performance task; Spatial DR, spatial delayed response; OWAT: operator workload assessment tool; HRR, heart rate range; MAP, maximal aerobic power; PPO, peak power output; VT, ventilatory threshold; RT, reaction time; RA, response accuracy.