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. 2021 Sep 29;10(10):2593. doi: 10.3390/cells10102593

Table 2.

Ultrastructural evaluation by electron microscopy of duodenal biopsies in IBS-like patients A qualitative score (++ = marked presence; + = presence; - = absence) was provided for widened junctional complexes, autophagy, apoptosis, altered mitochondria, lipid drops, chylomicrons, and mast cells. Legend: CTRL, control patients; JC, junctional complexes; NCGS, non-celiac gluten sensitivity; Ni ACM, Nickel allergic contact mucositis; tCD, treated celiac disease; uCD, untreated celiac disease; WA, wheat allergy. * microvilli length and inter-microvillar distance in uCD patients have been measured in those portions of epithelium surface not involved by total microvillar atrophy.

Transmission Electron Microscopy
Groups Gender Age Symptoms Microvilli JC Auto Phagy Apo Ptosis Altered Mitochondria Lipid Drops Chylomicrons Mast Cells
Length Distance Regularity
(A) uCD 931.00 ± 30 * 249 ± 10 *
pt n.1 F 20 diarrhea, anemia atrophic/irregular and loosely packed see graph ++ - - - - ++
pt n.2 F 63 constipation, epigastralgia, heartburn atrophic/irregular and loosely packed ++ - - - - +
pt n.3 M 34 Abdominal swelling, diarrhea atrophic/irregular and loosely packed ++ - + - - -
pt n.4 F 25 abdominal pain, swelling, heartburn, asthenia atrophic/irregular and loosely packed + - - - - ++
pt n.5 F 41 abdominal pain, swelling, nausea, vomiting, headache atrophic/irregular and loosely packed ++ - - - - +
(B) tCD 1439.10 ± 69 66.55 ± 7
pt n.1 F 51 asymptomatic regular butlooselypacked See graph ++ - + - - -
pt n.2 M 39 acid regurgitation, headache regular and tightly-packed ++ - - - - -
pt n.3 F 21 asymptomatic regular and tightly-packed + - - - - -
pt n.4 F 31 asymptomatic regular and tightly-packed ++ - - - - -
pt n.5 M 64 abdominal swelling, flatulence regular and tightly-packed + - - - - -
(C) WA 1427.09 ± 71 46.23 ± 8
pt n.1 F 23 diarrhea, abdominal pain, swelling, anemia, headache regular and packed see graph ++ - + - + -
pt n.2 F 28 abdominal pain, diarrhea regular and packed ++ - + - + +
pt n.3 F 41 diarrhea, abdominal swelling, atopic dermatitis regular and tightly-packed ++ - - - + +
pt n.4 M 65 diarrhea, abdominal bloating, asthenia, headache regular and packed ++ - + - + +
pt n.5 M 33 Abdominal swelling, asthenia regular and tightly-packed ++ - + - - +
(D) NCGS 1120.69 ± 60 77.59 ± 12
pt n.1 F 52 abdominal pain, swelling, diarrhea, asthenia regular and packed see graph + + + + - -
pt n.2 M 35 abdominal pain, swelling regular and packed + + + - - -
pt n.3 F 38 heartburn, nausea, headache, foggy mind regular and loosely-packed ++ + + + - -
pt n.4 F 28 abdominal pain, swelling, asthenia, alopecia regular and packed + - + + - -
pt n.5 F 22 abdominal pain, swelling, diarrhea regular and tightly-packed ++ + - + - -
(E) Ni ACM 1042.29 ± 42 102.30 ± 10
pt n.1 M 33 abdominal pain, diarrhea, heartburn irregular and packed see graph ++ + + + - +
pt n.2 F 21 abdominal pain, swelling, constipation regular and packed + - + - - -
pt n.3 F 30 abdominal pain, swelling irregular and packed ++ + + + - +
pt n.4 F 45 abdominal pain, swelling, constipation irregular and packed ++ + + + - +
pt n.5 F 52 abdominal pain, swelling, diarrhea, asthenia, anemia irregular and packed ++ + + + - +
(F) CTRL 1799.75 ± 49 9.6 ± 1
pt n.1 F 20 GERD and dyspepsia regular and tightly-packed see graph - - - - - -
pt n.2 F 30 GERD and dyspepsia regular and tightly-packed - - - - - -
pt n.3 M 45 GERD and dyspepsia regular and tightly-packed - - - - - +
pt n.4 F 59 GERD and dyspepsia regular and tightly-packed - - - - - -
pt n.5 M 43 GERD and dyspepsia regular and packed + - - - - -