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. 2021 Oct 15;11(10):1355. doi: 10.3390/brainsci11101355

Table 3.

Pearson’s correlation analyses focusing on depression, mindfulness, and the different interoceptive abilities at t1 and t2 in depressive patients.

Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. BDI t1 1 0.727 ** −0.408 ** −0.473 ** −0.220 * −0.034 −0.082 −0.253 * 0.306 * 0.299 *
2. BDI t2 1 −0.417 ** −0.614 ** −0.209 −0.008 −0.257 * −0.195 0.215 * 0.351 **
3. MAAS t1 1 0.622 ** 0.007 −0.137 −0.038 −0.158 −0.143 −0.219 *
4. MAAS t2 1 −0.023 −0.094 −0.019 0.087 −0.154 0.318 **
5. IAcc t1 1 0.678 ** 0.359 ** 0.349 ** −0.114 0.186
6. IAcc t2 1 0.061 0.303 ** −0.110 0.152
7. IS conf t1 1 0.541 ** 0.117 −0.048
8. IS conf t2 1 0.005 −0.049
9. IS BPQ t1 1 0.806 **
10. IS BPQ t2 1

Note: BDI = Beck Depression Inventory; MAAS = Mindful Attention Awareness Scale; IAcc = Interoceptive Accuracy; IS conf = Interoceptive Sensibility (confidence rating); IS BPQ = Interoceptive Sensibility (Body Perception Questionnaire). * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01.