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. 2021 Oct 15;11(10):1516. doi: 10.3390/biom11101516

Table 1.

The enigmatic role of genome-wide association studies in various crop species.

Crop Population Size Markers Traits References
Aegilops tauschii 322 7185 SNPs Morphological traits [56]
B. napus 523 41 SNPs Flowering time [57]
B. napus 248 60K SNPs Seed germination and vigor [58]
B. napus 472 60,000 SNPs Seed weight and quality [47]
B. napus 155 35,791 SNPs Harvest index [59]
B. napus 521 60K SNPs Seed oil content [60]
B. napus 523 60K SNPs Flowering time [61]
B. napus 348 60K SNPs Silique related traits [62]
B. napus 472 19,945 SNPs Plant height and primary branch number [63]
B. napus 143 60K SNPs Branch angle [64]
B. napus 520 60K SNPs Branch angle trait [65]
B. napus 158 60K SNPs Flowering time and yield responses [66]
B. napus 192 369 SSR, 740 AFLP Yield-related traits [44]
B. napus 370 60K SNPs Quantity of fatty acids [67]
B. napus 422 60K SNPs Root development [68]
B. napus 333 60K SNPs PH, BIH, and BN [69]
B. napus 588 385,692 SNPs Oil content [70]
B. napus 300 201,187 SNP Fatty acid composition [71]
B. napus 216 30,262 SNPs Root architectural traits [72]
B. napus 157 742 SNPs Seed weight and silique length [73]
B. napus 327 33,186 SNPs Branching morphogenesis. [74]
B. napus 435 60K SNPs Fatty acid composition and content [75]
B. napus 331 60K SNPs Silique number [76]
B. napus 307 60K SNPs Seed glucosinolates contents [77]
B. napus 419 60K SNPs Seedling stage [78]
B. napus 300 201,817 SNPs Earliness traits [79]
B. napus 368 60K SNPs Salt tolerance-related traits [34]
B. napus 520 60K SNPs Fatty acid composition [80]
B. napus 210 23,435 SNPs Hypocotyl elongation [81]
B. napus 520 Brassica 60K Seven yield-determining traits [82]
Barley 175 107 SSRs Seed aging and longevity [83]
Barley ~500 1536 SNPs Morphological trait [84]
Barley 122 DH lines 9680 SNPs 14 main agronomic traits [85]
Barley 275 9K SNP, 3072 SNP Six-rowed spring barley [86]
Barley 233 7864 SNPs Root and shoot architecture traits [87]
Barley 25 9 K iSelect SNPs Plant growth under drought stress [88]
Barley 222-2-303 6-rowed 7864 SNPs. Adherence of hulls to the caryopsis [89]
Barley 109 15,828 DArTseqs and 7829 SNPs Chlorophyll fluorescence induction (OJIP) parameters [90]
Barley 166 777 DArT markers Drought stress [91]
Cotton 169 53,848 SNPs Fiber quality traits [15]
Cotton 319 55,060 SNPs Drought stress [92]
Cotton 231 122 SSR and 4729 SNP markers Fiber quality
traits and yield components
Cotton 196 CottonSNP80K Salt tolerance [94]
Cotton 316 81,675 SNP Drought tolerance [95]
Cotton 83 15,369 SNPs Oil content [96]
Cotton 215 ~1.57 million SNPs Salt tolerance [97]
Flax 370 258,873 SNPs Pasmo resistance [98]
Foxtail millet 916 0.8 m SNPs Agronomic traits [99]
Maize 384 681,257 SNPs Seedling root architecture traits [100]
Maize 999 56,110 SNPs Northern corn leaf blight resistance [101]
Maize 368 1.03 m SNPs Kernel oil concentration fatty acid composition [102]
Maize 25000 SNPs Southern leaf blight resistance [103]
Maize - SNPs Leaf architecture [104]
Maize 144 43,427 SNPs The regenerative capacity of the embryonic callus [13]
Maize 257 48,193 SNPs Stalk lodging resistance [14]
Maize 230 145,232 SNPs Starch pasting properties [61]
Rice 413 44,100 SNPs Agronomic traits [105]
Rice 9 71,710 SNPs Agronomic traits [106]
Rice 220 6000 SNPs Salinity tolerance [107]
Rice 517 ∼3.6 m SNPs Agronomic traits [108]
Rice 950 SNPs Flowering time grain-related traits [109]
Rice 20 32,655 SNPs Agronomic traits [110]
Rice 236 147,692 SNPs Cooked rice texture [111]
Rice 478 162,529 SNPs Salt-tolerance [112]
Sorghum 971 ~26,500 SNPs Plant height and architecture [17]
Sorghum 245 85,885 Forage quality-related traits [113]
Soybean 96 SSRs Plant height pods/plant 100-seed weight plant growth
habit seeds/pod days to 50% flowering and maturity
Soybean 368 62,423 SNPs Plant height and the number of nodes [115]
Soybean 219 292,035 SNPs Photosynthetic response to low P stress [116]
Soybean 144 SoySNP660k Protein content [117]
Sugarcane 20 20 SSRs Cane weight tillers/plant [118]
Tomato 174 182 SSRs Flavor traits [119]
Wheat 382 SNPs Agronomic traits and carbon isotope [120]
Wheat 182 14,646 SNPs 20 free amino acid [121]
Wheat 339 13,098 SNPs Karnal bunt resistance [122]
Wheat 160 10,172 SNPs Wheat quality and yield-related traits [123]
Wheat 635 10,802 SNPs Flour yield and alveograph quality traits [124]