Table 1.
Genetic and molecular biomarkers studies.
Study | Measure | N | Diagnosis Gender/Age (Mean, Years) Medication Status |
ECT Parameters | Time-Points | Cognitive Scales | Significant Results | Quality Index |
Agelink et al. 2001 | NSE, S-100 | 14 | MDD, Schizoaffective depression 5W, 9M/54 Y NM (only lorazepam) |
Not described | 1 day before ECT, 6 h, 24 h, and 48 h after the 1st to 3rd ECT and 24 h after the 4th, 5th, 6th, and last ECT | IMC, a subtest of Blessed dementia scales (orientation, memory, and concentration), digit span test, and A-E SKT | Patients with higher post-ECT S-100 values showed better cognitive performance | 4 |
Palmio et al. 2009 | NSE, S-100b | 10 | Unipolar depression (with psychotic symptoms) 7W, 3M/56 Y SM |
BFT, brief 3.8 sessions |
Pre-ECT and 1 h, 2 h, 6 h, 24 h, and 48 h after | MMSE | - | 5 |
Kranaster et al. 2014 | NSE, S-100 | 19 | Unipolar and bipolar depression 11W, 8M/66 Y |
9.4 sessions | Pre-ECT, 30 and 60 min after the 3rd ECT and post-ECT | MMSE | Pre-ECT NSE concentration was negatively correlated with MMSE scores at baseline | 5.5 |
Arts et al. 2006 | S100-beta | 12 | Unipolar and bipolar depression 8W, 2M/54 Y SM |
BFT, brief 6 sessions 2/week |
Before ECT, 1 h and 3 h after ECT | MMSE, 15-Word Learning Task, Memory Comparisons Task, Concept Shifting Test, Letter-Digit Modalities Test, Stroop Color-Word Test, Fluency Task, CFQ, and SCL-90 | S100-b levels increased 1 h and 3 h after ECT; higher S-100b concentration at baseline was associated with poorer memory function at 5 and 30 days of follow-up | 6 |
Piccinni et al. 2013 | Aβ40, Aβ42 | 25 | Bipolar depression 12M, 13W/44 Y SM, STOP ST |
BFT, brief 8.3 sessions 2/week |
Pre-TEC, 1 week after last ECT | MMSE | Aβ40 levels negatively correlated with pre- and post-ECT MMSE scores; Aβ40/Aβ42 negatively correlated with post-ECT MMSE score | 6 |
Kranaster et al. 2016 | Aβ42 | 12 | Unipolar and bipolar depression 7W, 5M/59 Y SM |
RUL 10.6 sessions 2–3/week |
Pre-ECT and 1–7 days post-ECT | MMSE | - | 6 |
Yamazaki et al. 2017 | Aβ40, Aβ42 | 42 (13 ECT) | Unipolar and bipolar depression 31W, 11M (9W, 4M ECT)/69 Y SM |
BFT, brief 3/week |
Pre-ECT, 2–4 weeks after ECT | MMSE, CDR, Logical Memory I and II subscales of WMS-R, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and VFT | Aβ40 levels before discharge were negatively correlated with VFT scores; Aβ40 levels on admission were significantly higher in MCI-non-reversors compared with cognitively preserved patients or MCI-reversors | 7 |
Bousman et al. 2015 | COMT, DRD2, BDNF, APOE | 117 | Unipolar and bipolar depression 42% M/48 Y |
BFT, BF, RUL, PW 0.3–1 ms 9 sessions 3/week |
1–3 days after ECT | MCG, HVLT-R, VFT, Cross Out task, SDMT, AMI-SF, and WTAR | Interaction between DRD2 C957T and BDNF Val66Met polymorphisms on anterograde memory | 5.5 |
Ryan et al. 2019 | TL | 180 (100 P) | Unipolar and bipolar depression P (62W, 38M), C (54W, 26M)/54 Y SM |
BFT, RUL 8 sessions |
Pre- and post-ECT | Time to recovery orientation, MMSE and CAMI-SF | - | 7 |
Neylan et al. 2001 | Cortisol | 16 | Unipolar and bipolar depression 11W, 5M/49 Y SM |
RUL, brief pulse 6 sessions 3/week |
1 day before ECT (saliva—8 A.M., 4 P.M., and 10 P.M.) and cognitive post-ECT assessment 1 day after ECT | Mattis Dementia Rating Scale, TMT, Stroop Color and Word Test, SDMT WMS subtest of Visual Recall, Employee Aptitude Survey and CVLT | Higher cortisol levels predicted ECT-induced cognitive dysfunction | 5 |
AMI-SF, Autobiographical Memory Interview—Short Form; BFT, bilateral fronto-temporal; CAMI-SF, Columbia Autobiographical Memory Interview—Short Form; CDR, Clinical Dementia Rating; CFQ, Cognitive Failure Questionnaire; CVLT, California Verbal Learning Tes; HVLT-R, Hopkins Verbal Learning Test—Revised; IMC, Information memory concentration test; M, man; MCG, Medical College of Georgia Complex Figure Test; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; NM, no-medication; NSE, Neuron-specific enolase; RUL, right unilateral; SCL-90, Symptoms Checklist 90; SKT, Syndrom Kurztest; SM, Same medication; SDMT, Symbol Digit Modalities Test; MDD, Major depressive disorder; ST, Mood-Stabilizers; VFT, Verbal Fluency Test; TMT; Trail Making Test; W, woman; WMS-R, Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised; WTAR, Wechsler Test of Adult Reading; Y, Years.