Figure 4.
Oxidative stress measurements in HepG2 cells treated with TEB. (A) Fluorescence images of hydrogen peroxide (green) and superoxide (red) in cells (200× magnification, white bar = 100µm); quantification of the (B) green and (C) red fluorescence ratio in cells. Cells were exposed to 20, 40, and 80 µM TEB for 12 and 24 h with or without pretreatment with 20 µM Lipofermata for 1 h (n = 3 wells/group). The data are represented as mean ± SEM. ** (p < 0.01) and *** (p < 0.001) show a significant difference, compared to the control (DMSO). # (p < 0.05) and ## (p < 0.01) show a significant difference, compared to the TEB-treated cells.