Sleep Monitoring and Cognitive Tests of the Severe ME/CFS Patients. (a) Five parameters in the overnight monitoring by Sleep Profiler where the values in ≥50% of the patients were consistently out of the normal ranges. These include lower sleep efficiency, more frequent awakenings per hour (>30 s), longer time of wake after sleep onset, a higher percentage of Stage N1, and a lower percentage of Stage R (REM). (b) Comparison between the patients and controls in each of the four sections of cognitive tests. The Y-axis represents the percentage of subjects that were identified as severe/deficit impairment. The patients compared with the controls showed significantly more problems in identifying emotions (94% of the patients vs. 40% of the controls, p = 0.005), as well as more attention problems (81% of the patients vs. 40% of the controls, p = 0.046).