1940 |
Fruits, leaves, inflorescences and endocarp |
[29] |
1950 |
Leaves, drupes and stones |
[30,31] |
1960 |
1970 |
1980 |
Whole plant, fruiting branches, leaves, inflorescences, fruits and endocarp |
[32,33] |
1990 |
Changes to the list of UPOV descriptors and addition of agronomic characters |
[39,40] |
2000 |
Plant passport data, qualitative and quantitative morphological descriptors |
[41,42] |
[35,36] |
2010 |
Morpho-geometric analysis on existing and fossil olive stones |
[37] |
Analysis and image processing of leaves, fruits and endocarp |
2020 |
High resolution imagery for analysis of olive canopy traits |
[38] |