Association between MAZR and Bach2 on DNA. (A) EMSA was carried out with the oligonucleotide probe containing both the G-rich element and the MARE. Lane 1, empty; lane 2, mock transfection; lanes 3 through 10, whole-cell extracts from 293T cells transiently expressing Bach2 (lane 3), MAZR (lane 4), and MAZR and Bach2 (lanes 5 to 10) were prepared and subjected to EMSA. Cold competitor DNAs, containing either G-rich site or MARE (lanes 6 and 7, respectively), were added at 100-fold molar excess prior to addition of the radiolabeled probe. The antibodies used were a control preimmune (PI) rabbit serum (lane 8), anti-Bach2 (lane 9), and anti-MAZR (lane 10). The asterisk indicates an unknown binding complex in rabbit serum. (B) EMSA of whole-cell extracts of 293T cells expressing neither Bach2 nor MAZR (lane 2), Bach2 (lane 3), MAZR (lane 4), or Bach2 and MAZR (lane 5) was carried out with the oligonucleotide probe carrying the G-rich element and the mutated MARE. Lane 1 was empty. The arrowheads and the arrows indicate MAZR and MAZR-Bach2 complexes, respectively.