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. 2021 Sep 22;9(10):1244. doi: 10.3390/healthcare9101244

Table 3.

Mediating effect of muscle exercise on the association between (A) low household income, (B) low education state, and poor HGS.

(A) Steps (Pathway) B SE OR 95% CI p Sobel Test
Lower Upper z (p)
Step 1 (a). I (1Q) → M 0.532 0.151 1.702 1.264 2.292 0.001 2.373 (0.017)
(b) M → G −0.417 0.169 0.664 0.475 0.928 0.017
Step 2 (c). I (1Q) → G 0.572 0.174 1.772 1.257 2.498 0.001
Step 3 (c’). I (1Q) → G 0.552 0.172 1.736 1.235 2.440 0.002
(B) Steps (Pathway) B SE OR 95% CI p Sobel Test
Lower Upper z (p)
Step 1 (a). E (1E) → M 0.494 0.165 1.639 1.184 2.271 0.003 2.489 (0.012)
(b) M → G −0.407 0.172 0.665 0.474 0.935 0.019
Step 2 (c). E (E) → G 0.862 0.187 2.368 1.635 3.429 <0.001
Step 3 (c’). E (E) → G 0.837 0.187 2.309 1.596 3.342 <0.001

B, estimate; SE, standard error; OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; I (1Q), household income (1Q, reference: 4Q); E (E), education (elementary school, reference: college/university); M, muscle exercise; G, grip strength; HGS, handgrip strength; SES, socioeconomic status. Pathway a, the relationship between the independent and mediating variables; pathway b, the relevance between the mediating and dependent variables; pathway c, the relevance between the independent and dependent variables; pathway c’, the relevance between the independent and dependent variables. Pathways were calculated using multivariable logistic regression analysis.