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. 2021 Oct 14;18(20):10768. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182010768

Table 2.

Characteristics of included studies ordered alphabetically with relevant outcome measures (NR = not reported; SD = standard deviation).

First Author,
Year & Country
Participants Intervention Comparator Outcomes
Characteristics Theoretical Framework Articulated Description of Intervention Type of AAI
& Delivery
Tools Used Time-Points
Banks [72]
University students with some recruited from psychology department
(76.8% female)
Mean age 20.05 (SD 3.38)
Year of study, type of graduate, ethnicity, health status or SES NR
No Group (free interaction) with as many dogs as wanted
(student: dog ratio NR) for 10 min single session during mid-term exam week
Various breeds (e.g., Beagle, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds)
PANAS—positive & negative Pre & post stressor
(SART & letter/
pattern comparison)
Binfet [35]
First-year university undergraduate students taking psychology classes
(78% female)
Mean age 18.85 (SD 2.65)
Ethnicity: 57% Caucasian;
15% Chinese; 9% Mixed-Race
Health status or SES NR
Yes Group (free interaction) 3–4 student: 1 therapy dog/handler for 20 min single session
Various breeds including pure-bred & mixed (which breeds NR)
No-treatment control (“business as usual” control = studying) PSS
Sense of Belonging in School
Pre, post, & then follow-up after 2 weeks
Fiocco [73]
Undergraduate university students
(77.1% female)
Mean age 21.02 (SD 5.5)
Ethnicity: 37.7% Caucasian;
8.2% Black/African American; 54.1% Other
Year of study, health status or SES NR
Partial Individual (free interaction as long as participant remained seated) with a dog for 10 min single session
Various breeds of different ages & sizes/breed (e.g., Irish Setter, Schnoodle, Greyhound, King Charles Spaniel)
Unclear if handler present
No-treatment control
(sitting for 10 min)
PANAS—positive & negative Pre, post AAA & then after stressor (PASAT)
Gebhart [74]
First-year students at nursing school
(77% female)
Median age 20 (IQR 19–22)
Type of graduate not clearly specified; health status, ethnicity or SES NR
Partial Group interaction (structured with different tasks, playing & interacting with dogs)
student: dog/handler ratio implied 3 students: 1 therapy dogs/handler for 45–60 min for 3 sessions (time interval between sessions NR)
No-treatment control unstructured free hour;
music therapy (body percussion) & mandala painting
STAI-S Pre & post normal day
Pre & post exam day
Grajfoner [37]
University students (64.4.% female)
Mean age 21.6 (SD 3.4)
Year of study, type of graduate, health status, ethnicity or SES NR
Yes Group (free interaction)
~6 students: 1 dog/handler ratio for 20 min single session
Various breeds (e.g., Labrador, Lhasa Apso, Golden Retriever)
Handler only (HO)
dog only (DO)
(handler present; no interaction)
Pre & post
Hall [75]
Level 2 community college associate degree nursing programme
Gender, age, year of study, type of graduate or health status, ethnicity or SES NR (only demographics of the course)
Partial Mix of group or individual session (free interaction) with numerous opportunities to interact with dog. Dog on campus minimum twice a week, visited students at various locations & on exam days for 30 min pre-exams. Intensity, length & frequency of sessions NR
Standard Poodle
Handler (unclear if always present)
No-treatment control HADs—anxiety & depression Pre & post (which is after 15–16 weeks from start of intervention)
Hunt [76]
Undergraduate students enrolled in psychology courses (74% female)
Mean age 19.3 (SD NR) & ≥18 yrs old
Ethnicity: 52% non-Hispanic White; 27% Asian/Asian-American; 9% Hispanic/Latino; 5% Black/African American, 4% Multiracial, 2% Indian; 1% Arab
Year of study, health status or SES NR
Partial Group interaction (free interaction) with a dog plus interactive games, icebreakers & snacks
student: dog ratio not clearly stated but implied 12–14 students: 1 dog of unclear length for once/week for 4 sessions
Golden Retriever
Unclear if handler present
No-treatment control;
mindfulness training alone; yoga alone;
or mindfulness training with yoga
PANAS—positive & negative
Pre & post every session & once 1–3 weeks after completion of AAA with stressor
(WAIS-IV IQ test)
Meola [80]
University students enrolled on accredited counselling program (85% female)
Mean age 30.8 (SD NR)
Ethnicity: 85.7% Caucasian; 9.5% African American
Year of study, type of graduate (some Masters & PhD but NR for all), health status, or SES NR
Yes Individual (structured & tailored) equine-assisted learning supervision (EALS) session with a horse with 3 different activities: for 1-h single session AAT/AAE
Handler (who was also an instructor/ facilitator)
No-treatment control STAI-S Pre & then post up to one month after intervention
Shearer [77]
Undergraduate university students in psychology courses (57% female)
Ethnicity: 43% Asian; 41% Caucasian; 7% Hispanic; 3% African American; 3% Other; 1% Native American; 1% Pacific Islander; 1% unidentified.
Year of study, health status, age or SES NR
Partial Group session (free interaction) with a dog plus games & snacks
students: dog ratio not clearly specified but implied 12–13 students: 1 dog for 1 h/week for 4 weeks
No-treatment control (added in 2nd phase)
mindfulness meditation
Pre & then post each session for 4 weeks & then once
1–2 weeks after completion of AAA with stressor
Ward-Griffin [78]
University students enrolled in introductory psychology classes (78% female)
Mean age 19.4 (SD 3.73)
45.5% first-year students; others NR
Type of graduate, health status, ethnicity or SES NR
Partial Group session (free interaction) with dogs.
student to dog ratio not clearly specified with 7–12 dogs present with handlers for up to 90 min single session during mid-term exam season (on average participants spent 30 min in the space)
Wait-list control PSS
PANAS—positive & negative
Subjective Happiness Scale
Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Scale
Pre & within 24 h of AAA
Williams [79]
University graduate students in pharmacy/physical therapy (63.2% female)
Mean age 24.42 (SD NR)
Year of study, health status, ethnicity, or SES NR
Partial Not clearly specified but inferred as individual free interaction (as long as no active running & playing) with a dog for 12 min single session prior to exam AAA
No-treatment control (“business as usual” control = quiet time studying) STAI-S & T Pre & post (but before an exam)

* as described by the authors; limited information to provide an objective assessment of type of AAI. Abbreviations used: AAA: Animal-Assisted Activity; AAE: Animal-Assisted Education; AAI: Animal-Assisted Intervention; AAT: Animal-Assisted Therapy; BDI-II: Beck Depression Inventory II; HADS: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; IQR: interquartile range; NR: not reported; PANAS: Positive and Negative Affect Schedule; PASAT: Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task; PSS: Perceived Stress Scale; SART: Sustained Attention to Response Task; SES: socioeconomic status; SD: standard deviation; STAI: State-Trait Anxiety Inventory; STAI-S: State-Trait Anxiety Inventory state anxiety; STAI-T: State-Trait Anxiety Inventory trait anxiety; SWLS: Satisfaction with Life Score; WAIS-IV IQ: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV.