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. 2021 Oct 15;18(20):10850. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182010850

Table 3.

Multiple linear regression models as the SCR of total dental receipts an outcome variable in FY2018.

Model 1 (R2 = 0.4658, adj-R2 = 0.4285) 95% CI
Coef. Std. Err. t p low high vif
Dentists 32.82 9.30 3.53 0.001 14.07 51.57 1.28
Dental technician −21.86 11.33 −1.93 0.06 −44.72 0.99 1.21
Prefectural income per capita 6.48 2.69 2.41 0.020 1.07 11.90 1.07
const. 57.75 9.53 6.06 <0.001 38.52 76.97
Model 1_a (R2 = 0.5107, adj-R2 = 0.4641) 95% CI
Coef. Std. Err. t p low high vif
Dentists 36.85 9.23 3.99 <0.001 18.22 55.49 1.27
Dental technician −20.68 10.99 −1.88 0.067 −42.86 1.50 1.07
Prefectural income per capita 10.40 3.28 3.17 0.003 3.78 17.01 1.97
Dentist × Prefectural income per capita § −19.52 9.94 −1.96 0.056 −39.59 0.54 2.03
const. 101.46 3.71 27.38 <0.001 93.98 108.94
Model 2 (R2 = 0.3939, adj-R2 = 0.3516) 95% CI
Coef. Std. Err. t p low high vif
Dental clinics 57.03 21.36 2.67 0.011 13.97 100.10 1.43
Dental laboratory 13.12 39.32 0.33 0.74 −66.19 92.42 1.06
Prefectural income per capita 7.21 2.99 2.41 0.02 1.19 13.24 1.39
const. 41.94 11.28 3.72 0.001 19.18 64.69
Model 2_a (R2 = 0.4736, adj-R2 = 0.4234) 95% CI
Coef. Std. Err. t p low high vif
Dental clinics 85.91 23.17 3.71 0.001 39.16 132.67 1.89
Dental laboratory −31.92 41.16 −0.78 0.442 −114.98 51.15 1.30
Prefectural income per capita 12.41 3.49 3.56 0.001 5.37 19.45 2.13
Clinics × Prefectural income per capita § −50.09 19.87 3.56 0.016 −90.18 −9.99 2.98
const. 100.57 7.31 13.76 <0.001 85.82 76.97
Model 3 (R2 = 0.5296, adj-R2 = 0.4813) 95% CI
Coef. Std. Err. p low high vif
Dentists 21.89 9.99 2.19 0.034 1.74 42.04 1.54
Dental hygienist 14.26 6.06 2.35 0.023 2.03 26.49 1.69
Dental technician −34.77 12.09 −2.88 0.006 −59.17 −10.38 1.31
Prefectural income per capita 8.96 2.78 3.22 0.002 3.35 14.56 1.52
const. 46.43 10.41 4.46 <0.001 25.43 67.44
Model 3_a (R2 = 0.5799, adj-R2 = 0.5287) 95% CI
Coef. Std. Err. p low high vif
Dentists 25.28 9.74 2.60 0.013 5.62 44.95 1.60
Dental hygienist 15.29 5.88 2.60 0.013 3.41 27.16 1.74
Dental technician −34.21 11.55 −2.96 0.005 −57.53 −10.89 1.35
Prefectural income per capita 13.26 3.27 4.06 <0.001 6.67 19.86 2.29
Dentists × Prefectural income per capita § −20.22 9.33 −2.17 0.036 −39.06 −1.38 1.97
const. 88.57 6.05 14.63 <0.001 76.34 100.80

FY: fiscal year, Coef: coefficient, Std. Err: standard error, CI: confidence interval, vif: variance inflation factor, SCR: Standardized Claim Ratio, JY: Japanese yen, adj-R2: adjusted R2, const: constant term, §: interaction term. All data were centralized to avoid multicollinearity. Dentists, dental hygienist, dental technicians, dental clinics, and dental laboratories are the number per 1000 people.