Figure 6.
Correlation between (A) the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC), (B) vascular browning, (C) leaf water potential (Ψwf), or (D) proline content and the relative tolerance index (RTI) in cape gooseberry seedlings infected with F. oxysporum f. sp. physali (Foph) and treated with the application of mixtures of biological control agents and organic additives (Mix (T. virens + B. velezensis), MixRh (T. virens + B. velezensis + burnt rice husk), and MixChi (T. virens + B. velezensis + chitosan) at 50 days after inoculation (DAI). Each point shows the average of five plants. Vertical and horizontal bars represent ± standard error per treatment (n = 5). Circles represent the group of treatments with greater tolerance to Foph inoculation.